Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What is impossible for God?

What is impossible for God?
Nothing is impossible for God...
On October 12  This picture shows up on my Facebook 
and my world around me stopped ...and my life is now forever changed.  This face of a child  4,221 miles away in Latvia that was praying for a family, God puts on my Facebook, from a Facebook page I have never heard of or ever liked.  They had posted many pictures but not just any of the pictures were on my wall just this one at the very moment I was scrolling down the Facebook wall. 
 Nothing is impossible for God.  
Some of you may know this story but I felt lead to share this story for those that may not. 

Our family decided to not host this child but to host a younger one instead. We then found out that the younger boy we were going to host had been adopted. They told us we would have to pick another child to come for Christmas, and they sent me an email with a list of pictures of about 7 or so pictures of children from the Ukraine.  I just didn't feel that these were it but I clicked on one picture to see if it would give me their bio, but when i clicked it, it took me to another link, and on that link was this picture of Aloizs again.  I picked up the phone and called New Horizons for Children.  I asked her about Aloizs and she told me there wasn't a link to the pictures she sent me.
What is impossible for God?

I then told her he was the first child I had seen and was the reason we were even hosting to begin with...she said well he is from Latvia and Latvia is now closed their hosting for Christmas, and they would have to ask if they could reopen it so he could be hosted. she said she couldn't make any promises but she would ask and call me back.
What is impossible for God?

Within 10 minutes she calls me back and says you are not going to believe this he is still available, they are closed but have left this boy opened for hosting... She was so shocked and said wow this is meant to be
What is impossible for God?

We then hosted Aloizs an you know the rest, I have fallen in love with this child like my very own.
nothing is impossible for God, He hears and answers prays and does the impossible because He can.  Mallory said it is like God holds the world in His hands and looks down at it like it is Google Earth, and takes His fingers to zoom in on a life that is praying and sees Aloizs in Latvia and then zooms over NC and sees the Bell family...and then Says, nothing is impossible and crosses our paths from 4,221 miles away.  

We serve a Great Big God with a Great Big Heart that loves us all and Nothing is impossible for Him

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