Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 22 With Aloizs

Monday of the last week.  We had to go to high point for orientation for our homeschool group.  Aloizs stayed with me the whole day, while the others went around to their classes.  I had to be in my Bible class that I teach there so he stayed with me.  He has gotten where he laughs at me all the time, every time I trip, drop something, spill my pocketbook over, drop my phone between the seats in the car...I am beginning to realize that I think I keep him entertained lol, my children must be more use to it than him.  But every time I turn around he is laughing at me.  Anyway, Monday wasn't any different.
After Orientation we headed all the way home and then back to High Point, for Aloizs to go to High Point Gymnastics.  Jessica set it up for him to have a free class.  He was so excited he told me he wanted to learn to do a backflip before he left, that he had promised a friend in Latvia that while he was in America he would learn to do a backflip.  So when we got there I told them he wanted to learn a backflip.  So the coaches there were very nice and it was a great place.  When we went in he looked in and looked at me and said "This Good" He could not of been happier!!  They worked with him with the class and then one on one, and even at one time he had 2 coaches over with him. They hooked these bungey cords to him and flipped him a couple times and then turned him loose and He did a backflip all by himself.  Mallory and I both almost cried.  He came up smiling from ear to ear.  The rest of the night they worked with him to perfect it and we ended up being there for 2 and half hours.  They were super with him. I hate we couldn't get any pictures of this he was too far away, the Gym is really big. They came to me afterwards and said they really liked him, that he was a sweet kid.  I was so proud of him!  I knew they must of liked him to of worked with him for so long and give him so much attention.  I had dropped Morgan off at dance on the way to High Point and when we got in the car to leave he looked at the clock and "OH Morgan!"  It was so sweet he was worried about her being at dance.  But she wasn't I had Tony's mom pick her up for me.  
After we got home he was so hungry, I think the child ate about 15 chicken nuggets and a can of corn.  He wanted me to tell him all of what the coach said to me, so I shared with him that they thought he had a lot of upper body strength and was a great athlete.  They said they would love for him to come there if he comes back to America.  They also said he was too old to start on their competition team, which I didn't share with him.  I know that would be a dream of his to be on a gymnastics team in America one day.
He is an amazing kid I can't say it enough.

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