Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 16 New Years day with Aloiz

New Year's Day!  What a Great New Year already!  Matthew and Aloizs didn't come down til 11:00 or so, I asked Matthew what they were doing and he said they put together a Bionicle (Idon't know how to spell that) that Aloizs got for Christmas.  Loved that great brother time laying on the bed building, what a great time for them.  I appreciate Matthew spending time with him this morning.  We went to Brixx to eat because they have Gluten Free Pizza, and it was a lot of fun, straw paper has become a traditional war when we go eat.  Food was amazing!  We then went bowling today!  Lots of fun!  Aloizs continues to be so amazing and such a blessing.  I grew up with the old saying that what ever you do on New Years Day is how you will spend your year, I sure hope so!!  
I made Chocolate chip cookies tonight, and when I put the two plates of cookies on the table he pointed to the one plate and said "special"  and I said Yes.  I had made him Gluten free cookies, and he took a bite and with a big smile said "GOOD!"  I think he ate at least 5 or 6 cookies.  I am sure they don't make him special chocolate chip cookies back home:(  Every child needs Chocolate chip cookies and a big glass of milk!
Aloizs did have a few times today he seemed very quiet and to himself.  I asked him if he was okay and he said he was fine, but I really think he has a lot on his mind right now.  Tonight we got to talk a little and I found out he has a sister who is 13 years old.  He said she didn't get to come to America because of her bad behavior.  He said she smokes and drinks...tell me how a 13 yr old does that?  They live in such a different world.  I asked him how he got to be so sweet, he just looked at me and smiled with a little laugh.  It breaks my heart that these children are raised in such an atmosphere.  He really is a miracle child.  God has a great plan for this precious boy, to grow up in that and be so sweet.  I am thankful for every minute I get to be with him

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