Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 24 most important blog yet

I have to admit when I signed up to Host Aloizs in our home for 4 weeks I had know idea what I was in for.  I had a heart for orphans and wanted to help him, but my eyes have been opened to things I was previously unaware of and now I am left with where I go from here now that I know.  Over the course of this I have been in contact with a lot of families that are also hosting children here in America over Christmas, they are those that I have learned so much from.  And now there is no going back.
On the fb group is where I have learned so much that I want to share some with you.  
In Latvian and many of the surrounding countries at the age of 16 the children are what they call "Aged out"  which means the are put out of the orphanage and are allowed to live in a dorm/apartment for orphans that are between the ages of 16-18.  They are given $125 a month to live on, which we all know that is not possible.  They have been living in an orphanage where their meals have been prepared for them and would now have to get their own meals for themselves.  They have never had to pay bills, handle money, do laundry, and all of the many skills we need before we live on our own.  They are given a choice between 3 trades that they can learn in a trade school during these years. Which none pay enough to live on  They are treated as criminals, but have done nothing wrong.  They are just children that have not been loved, but forgotten.  A lady in the group has visited these dorms that they go to when they are aged out and took pictures, here they are:

This is what our Aloizs has to look forward to if he doesn't get adopted.  He turns 15 March 1, and has one more year before this is his future. Only thing though is Aloizs is only in the 6th grade. As if all of this isn't bad enough there is no protection on these children that live here, so of course predators prey on these children that they can take advantage of.  As you now know why I have had such a heavy heart for this precious child that God has placed at our door step.  We have been in much prayer for God's guidance.  God has given us such a love for this child we feel there is a reason God brought him to us. Our family met last night in the middle of the night on my bed, we had a serious family meeting, and are all in agreement to adopt Aloizs, for him to be apart of our family forever.   As most of you know international adoption is a very expensive process and a hard process, in that we will have to make 3 trips to Latvia and one of those we will have to live in Latvia for 3 weeks in an apartment.  We need your help, your support, and your prayers. We trust God will provide and make away, but we are being stretched to a new level of Faith.  We hope you will join us in this journey that God has for Aloizs.  

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