Saturday, January 26, 2013

Aloizs and Jesus

What a beautiful time of conversation with Aloizs.  His depth and love never stop amazing me.  He mentioned to me yesterday that he prays for us everyday.  Love that so much! Also he shares with me today after I told him Jesus loves him he says he loves Jesus.  How precious is that when a child says those words, especially a child that is not in church or around Christians.  The Salvation Army must of made an impact on his life while he was there a year ago or so.  I am so thankful for that ministry that is reaching the world for Christ.  He so longs to be here with a family and God has heard his prayers, and is answering those prayers.  I sit in awe of God's awesomeness today.  God knows the heart, and the pureness of our prayers, and that is what reaches the Throne of God.  
We are very thankful today that we sold our 66 Mustang and it only took 2 days to sell!  We got exactly what we needed for our paper work that needs to be mailed off Monday!  Praising God for His continuing Hand that is making all of this happen.  Still praying this will continue to happen quickly and smoothly, for Aloizs.  He told me he waits for me everyday.  
The Child has been waiting on a family for 15 years, I don't want him to wait anymore than he has too.  He told me we are his only family he has and he can't wait to see us again.  
We asking for your help and support, will you be apart of God's plan of answering Aloizs' prayers?

If you would like to be apart of Blessing Aloizs there are several ways to do so,

  • pray, we need your prayers and so does he
  • purchase your Valentines gift from the Bell's by emailing me for details at
  • make a tax deductible donation of any amount to Open Door Adoption Agency, by mailing a check with Tony & Melanie Bell on the memo line of the check

    Payable to:

    An Open Door Charitable Fund
    P.O. Box 4
    Thomasville, GA 31799-1795                                             
  • Or make your donation online at: 
when donating online on the item line: Dedication or Gift(Option) type Tony and Melanie Bell 
  • Every amount helps and adds up!  
Thank you so much for all of you that have been so supportive to our family through this journey so far.  Love you all!  Melanie

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