Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 23 With Aloizs

Tuesday of our last week was a fun day! It started off very precious, Aloizs was the first one down this morning well he always is but this time Matthew wasn't with him.  Matthew has been staying up late after Aloizs goes to sleep, He said that was his "me" time, said he feels like he has a baby.lol
But anyway, Aloizs came in the kitchen and gives me a hug and says Good Morning, like he does every morning.  He said he wanted hotdogs to eat...so I cooked him hot dogs:)  Who says you can't have them for breakfast.lol  While I was cooking I opened the dish washer to start unloading it, I turned around and he was helping unload and put dishes away.  It really touched my heart because my laptop was on the table and he could of went and played games on it while he waited.  But instead he helped me.  It made me think how when you don't get love you really appreciate it more.  It made me see that we take each other for granted.   In a family we think well they know I love them, and we don't really help each other unless we are asked to.  But to not be expected to and help  without being asked to means so much! 
Aloizs should me today that we should really do things more than we do for those that we love, and to those that love us. Because when you really feel loved and you appreciate it you don't take it for granted.  Lesson from Aloizs, amazing how he is teaching us without a word.
  We went and picked up his new glasses that were a donation from Dr. Gail and Scott Gordon that live in our neighborhood.  He was just so excited to get his glasses, he has been asking me every day for the past week when we were going to get them.  He doesn't have to wear them all the time just for school or TV.  After we picked them up we went to Mcdonalds and got sundaes with carmel on it cause he loves carmel.  We had to celebrate with ice cream over the glasses!  He said "Go Home?"  I said do you want to go home? He said "No Home"  So I said ok lets go to the mall!
We had a great time walking around the store. Went in the pet store and Matthew fell in love with this puppy, Aloizs told him "Have 4 dogs, no more"  It was so funny.  When we passed the bungey bounce thing in the mall he wanted to do his backflip, so Morgan and him bounced.  (pics on facebook)
When then went to Dick's sporting goods to walk around, and I had the idea to take the camera in and we try to go to each dept., put something on or do something that represents that dept. and take as many pics as we can.  It was really fun to look in each dept. and everyone find something and then take a quick pic.  We keep hearing the loud speaker say,  "security scan section  C"  I think we were the only ones in there too, so I just kept waiting to get thrown out.  Pictures are on my Facebook, it was really fun. 
We called it a day and went home to eat spaghetti, which Aloizs loves.  He ate 2 big plates.  I wonder if he never gets pasta back in Latvia.  I really doubt they get him glutin free pasta.  So that might be why he likes it so good.  Because when I was cooking it he walks over to the box of glutin free pasta and picks it up and says "This mine"  It seems to be a big deal to him.   
We then watched a movie and popped popcorn and he run got his glasses, he was smiling.  Sat down beside me and said "I see good".  Love how much he was talking today.  
When we went to kiss the kids good night, I sat on Morgan's bed and was waiting on her to get her dog, her door was open and across the hall is Aloizs' room and I could hear his helicopter running in his room, tears just flooded my face as I thought in 4 nights that room will be empty and I want hear him laughing, talking and the hum of that helicopter...

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