Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day 19 with Aloizs

Well it was Friday, which means in the Bell House cleaning day.  So we start our day with everyone cleaning up their rooms and vacuuming.  While I start washing all of the clothes:)  The boys started cleaning their room and when they finished and came down Matthew said Aloizs wanted to vacuum their room.  Matthew said he did a great job and even moved things to vacuum underneath them, which Matthew said he wouldn't of done.  Gotta love honest children:)  We spent the day at home except I had to run to the store for an ingredient I forgot for my Bake potato soup.  Aloizs went with me and the others stayed home.  Aloizs' likes going to the store, and he already knows where the candy isle is in Food Lion.  So we head to the candy isle and he picks out peanut M&M's  my fav!  As soon as we stepped out of the store he opened the bag and leaned over to me to share. As soon as we got home he went in the cabinet to got a bowl and poured out the whole bag to share with everyone.  I really thought that was sweet, cause I probable would of said these are mine:)  No seriously, a lot of the children do hoard food and they told us they might even try to take food to their room.  So I was very impressed that he put them out on table for the whole family.
The rest of the night didn't go as well:(  He was very to himself the rest of the night.  I had it planned that we would go out to the fire pit, roast marshmallows, and I had bought sparklers.  When I had the fire ready outside he said No he didn't want to go out, Morgan ask him again and he said No.  So we went on out and sat around the fire, while he stayed in and played guitar hero and then the drums.  After a while I went back in and ask him again if he would come out, and he kinda rolled his eyes and didn't look very happy and said ok and went and got his coat.  He came out roasted a couple marshmallows lit a sparkler and then got up and went inside.  Me and the kids just sat there and looked at each other, it was the first time we had seen him act like that.  At first I was worried that this was going to be the beginning of the hard week that they had warned us about.  That when you start into the last week that they pull away.  I really can not handle that after such a wonderful time we have been having.  We give him some time and then I went and sat with him, well at first I went behind him and covered his eyes while he was trying to play the video game.  Then I sat down and with my translator I ask him what was wrong? and at first he started a sentence that said something about an accident, but then he backed it out and typed that he just didn't want to go outside.  So I am not sure if it was the fire and something in his past had something to do with an accident of some sort with fire.  So I told him thank you for coming out for a little while, and that we loved him, and we moved on with the night.  It is so hard when you can't get the communication you want so you can help, the short time period that we have together is so hard.  Part of you wants to talk and help, and the other side want to just have fun and give him a great time away from all of that.  So I try to have balance with the serious conversations and having fun.  I so wish we had more time.  I finished the night by asking him if he believed me when I told him I loved him and he smiled and said yes, so in the end that is my goal, for him to know he is loved.

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