Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 17 with Aloizs

It was a good day at the Bell House.  We started with a great morning conversation, I told Aloizs that are family really loved him and that he was very special to us.  We stayed home and enjoyed hanging around the house, til it was time to leave for church.  On the way to church I stopped at Cosco to pick up some pictures.  I had a 5x7 made of each one of the kids to put on our sofa table.  I felt that putting his picture in a frame and putting it out might  be something no one  has ever done for him.  So I will share his response to that later.
At church he gets out of the car and is always so helpful, he helps carry in our things.  He had fun playing with a mic:)  what kid doesn't.  When all the youth got there, they all do so good with him  and he does with them.  Very proud of him in how he just fits right in with our family, jumps in with what ever we are doing.  I had taken my lesson and put it in the translator for him to have a copy of it so he could read what I was teaching.  He sat there and read the whole thing.  and then we played a game which he did great in participating with.  I can't imagine being around a bunch of teens laughing and talking and I didn't understand everything, that has to be hard, but he does so well with it.  When it was time to clean up he jumps right in, even gets my phone and picks it up and puts it in my pocket, He knows I keep it in my right front pocket.  and he has already learned how I loose things. On the way home we stop and get something to eat at Wendy's, and again with the straw paper war.  These little things are going to be the things we miss when he leaves.  
After we got home I checked on his arm which I had been putting cream on today, It is a small patch of red itchy skin. He seems to like me checking on his arm and putting cream and a band aid on it, which made me think that those are the little things a mom does, that he don't have.  Our children take us moms so for granted,  and we took our moms for granted that the little things like a band aid mean so much.  
I know I have said it before but this child has opened my eyes to so much, one being that we worry and stress and stay busy in our lives with what??  nothing really important.  That we should just enjoy each day and that it is a "Good" day just to be alive and have each other.  

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