Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day 20 with Aloizs

Today was a much better day!  He got to go to Salem Gymnastics for free Gym time.  and he was so excited, but then we found out it is really just an all girls gym, but he was ready to get on the bars anyway.  well after a few minutes he cam running to me and showed me his hands, they were bleeding.  His calluses had ripped open, so I got him some band aids.  Well that pretty much shut him down for the bars.  So I went to searching for men's gymnastic centers on my phone when I hear him hollering Melanie across the Gym, and then motioned for me to come here.  He wanted me to stand right in front of him and watch every flip he did in the square foams, so I did.  After every flip he would look up at me and smile.  I guess that eye contact and a smile of approval mean the world to all of us but especially one that don't ever get that.  We came home and ate lunch and he got cleaned up.  We then took Matthew to get a haircut, with a Russian lady, which was great for her to talk with Aloizs about Latvia.  She had just been there not to long ago. She is very nice and offered to help us in anyway she could with him in the future.  
After that we had been invited to a families house for supper.  Which was really super!  We had a great time, and Aloizs did so awesome at meeting friends and playing in the game.  Great for him to be around other families. We were very thankful for them having us over for such a wonderful time.  In all it was a wonderful full day together.  and of course it ended with "3" games of UNO.  He always ask me when we sit down to play if we are going to play 3 games.  It is our nightly tradition for him to close his day with just us playing "3" games of UNO.  What will my family do at night when he leaves:(?

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