Wednesday, January 16, 2013

First 2 days apart

Well these first two days have been very hard.  I don't think I have any tears left in my head.  I have heard from Aloizs over 40 times within the last 2 days.  He over and over says he wants to be with us, He loves me with his whole heart and he is sad.  One message said I cry , I cry, I cry because I want to be with you.  It rips my heart out.  Of course I reply to every message, with reassurance that we love him, and that I miss him too.  but I got to the point last night I was very worried about him.  His messages started to scare me that he was grieving himself too much. On our training day there was a man there that spoke he had been an orphan in Russia and he said through his teen years of about 3 years in the orphanage over there he had 11 teens commit suicide in his facility.  So I was so worried,  I sent him a message and said that we are sad we are apart but we need to be happy that we can be together again.  I think that helped, he sent me another message and said he was not crying and was heading to school.  
Please join me in continuing to pray for him.  He is very upset and having a hard time being apart.  Not all of them do this.  If you look at the picture of the group of children in the Germany airport on my fb page most of them are happy...not Aloizs.  I even read a post from a host mom that said her hosted child packed 4 days early she was so excited about going back.  and others said the something. We were told in training, that they get excited about going back because they have been on the coolest vacation ever, and they can't wait to tell each other what they did or what the got.  They go home with new suitcases full of all new things.  But with some like Aloizs, they just want a family, and God puts together something beautiful like he did with us and you just can't live without it.  I grieve and hurt like it is a death and I know he feels the same, it has actually brought me strength to have to lift him up.  To have to say we need to be happy God has brought us together and he will again.  Please pray about how you can help us bring Aloizs back home.  God may have brought me a 6'2" 14 yr old but he is still my new baby that I can't wait to bring back home.  We are starting our fund raising, please help me bring my baby home.  Love you all!

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