Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 18 With Aloizs

The God of it all cares for all!
I am Thankful we have a God that cares and Loves each of us so much.  That there isn't a one of us that he cares about more than another.  
Today was a pretty full day, after lunch we went shopping, Aloizs loves to go shopping, he looks around and absorbs everything.  As we were getting into the car to leave he hurries around to the front seat and gets in, I go to grab the the door to open it and it is locked, I looked in the car and he is rolling.  He is such a happy child and loves to pick.  He also loves to change the gear shift from R to D, every time now he will ask me "now" and I'll say yes and he changes it.  A few days ago a car was backing up on us so I blew the horn, now he leans over and blows the horn, He thinks that is so funny.  We were in the Target parking lot and he blows the horn with this car in front of me, and then he if you see us going down the street and my horn is blowing just know it is just Aloizs have a blast with the horn.  He enjoys pushing the buggy and then riding on it, he enjoys balancing on parking curbs, walking around and looking in different stores, just everything every where is a joy to him.  
We came home and my mom had sent the kids a big box, they were so excited.  Aloizs I know wasn't sure what  the excitement was about, but he knew they were excited.  They opened the box and it was full of individual wrapped presents.  His eyes got big, and Matthew read the names on the packages and when he said Aloizs, he just smiled so big.  It was so great.  Thanks mom for being so thoughtful.  We translated the card for him and he shook his head and smiled.  It was a great surprise.  After that I was on the phone and had set down for a minute to wait for supper to finish and he came and found me, when I followed him to the kitchen he said "mom" and pointed to the oven, it had beeped.  Such a sweetheart of a child.  
A Friend of mine set up for him to go to gymnastics tonight and he was so excited.  when I told him he took his hand balled up and pulled it back and said "YES!"  That must be universal for children:) When we got there they were only doing floor routines, but he tried and did everything they did.  I asked them if after class if he could show them what he does on the bars, and they let him. They were blowed away.  every bodies mouth dropped.  It was so cool, Matthew said he felt so proud, like "Yeah, he's with me"  lol  He took off on that bar, and did things they had never seen before.  The man said he had some amazing upper body strength.  The two men coaches loved him! Unfortunately, to do  the bar they said he would have to have private lessons which are $25 for 30 minutes, and not to be mean or anything cause I really appreciate how nice they were to him, but it really wont be a lesson...he knows more than they do on the bar, and can do more than they can.  So, it is really just paying for him to do what he loves for 30 minutes.  I so wish I could just find him a bar where he could just be turned loose.  When we were leaving the 2 coaches and the other staff were still talking about how amazing he is.  He had a lot of fun though.  If there is anyone that can help us find him somewhere with a big bar please let me know.  
We then came home and sacked it out and all watched a movie and ate popcorn:) 
I want to thank all of my friends, you guys have been such a Blessing to me and my family. This blog has had over 900 views!  Thank you for All of the texts with scriptures and words of encouragement, the private messages that flood in every day with the sweetest comments, the setting up of gymnastics and soccer opportunities, the invites for dinner, treating us to frozen yogurt, to bringing food over,  financial donations, prayers, and lots of love.  I thank you with my whole heart, all of you are such a treasure to me and I am so thankful to share in this journey together.  Love you all!

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