Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Thanking God for our Loving Aloizs

I have come to a point of change in prayers, instead of "Why God have you done this to me" to "Thank you God for doing this to me"
I wish I could share all of the messages from Aloizs with you but I feel that that would be wrong, it would be blogging his personal feelings.  I don't think I would want someone to do that to me, but I do share one on one sometimes but blogging that seems like a violation of privacy.  But I would love to share just how precious this child is.  I think for so long this loving child has had all of this love bottled up in side with no one to show it to or to love him for it to be released.  I told my kids I think our family loved him and tapped into a spring of love, and Mallory said and then it exploded.  

So I am so thankful for this time of seeing such a loving child have a family to express his love to.  It is absolutely beautiful.  He has even sent messages about how he loves our church. 

Thank you for all of your support and continued prayers.  Specific prayers  for Aloizs protection for his now and peace and Hope in his future.

So here is our rough Timeline of our process:  

  • Get official notification that he is available (done)
  • send in Adoption application (done)
  • passports (done)
  • get approved by the adoption agency
  • Start and finish our home study (approx 1-3 months)
  • approval for international adoption
  • Aloizs saying yes to being apart of our family
  • Scheduling of our first travel date.  We will have to make 3 trips to Latvia.  The first being 3 weeks long,  we will be allowed to bring him back home with us on a special visa 
  • Possible Summer hosting for 5 weeks if our travel for our first trip to Latvia will be later than the summer.
  • Our 2nd trip for 3 days (which Aloizs will travel back to Latvia with us)
  • 3rd trip for a week. (which Aloizs will travel back to Latvia)
  • 4 post placement visits (after 1 month, after 3  months, after 1 year and after 2 years)

So we have a long way to go and a lot more steps that are not listed.  Thank you for your prayers.  We long for that first trip to Latvia.  Love you all!  Melanie

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