Friday, January 18, 2013

Process has started

Thank you for your continued prayers.  Aloizs seems to be doing better.  He messages me about 30 times a day, which I am thankful we have the social network in Latvia and that he has computers in the orphanage.  I really don't think he would make it without it.  (and i wouldn't either) He even messages me through the night for me but during school for him.  They have computers in the library at his school.  They are 7 hours ahead in Latvia, so at 12:00am here and 7:00am there he is up ready for school and checking in with me.  He really has to have constant connection or he worries.  He is still so fragile.  Today I meet with a friend for lunch and when I left he had been messaging me and it said "Where are you, why are you not writing me".  He really is precious and very tender, more tender than I knew when he was here.
I talked with the chaperone that lives in his orphanage, she is still here in America, so I thought I would call and talk with her one more time before she leaves.  I told her we really miss him and she said she knows he really misses us, because she has never seen him on the social network so much.  said he use to never get on the computer.  She said now he is on all the time, so I knew he had to be talking with you.  She is also friends with both of us on SN, and it tells who is online.  
She is really sweet and a God sent.  She also said she would take care of him for me and I didn't need to worry about him.  I really appreciate her.  Love how God worked it out for her to be here for me to get to know.
We have got our application for adoption sent in, finally, took longer than I wanted. But I am glad this first step is finished.  We now move to the next step which will cost $4000.  This will be our first big hurdle.  We are trusting God to make a way so this process can move quickly.  
We are taking orders for our "Double Love Bouquets"  candy bouquets for  Valentines day, Showing love to your sweetheart and showing love to our Aloizs.  Pictures and prices to come.  We figured everyone will be purchasing a gift for their loved ones for Valentines why not get your gift from us:)  If you are interested let me know.  
Thank you for your prayers!  We have good moments and not so good moments, but we have Hope.  Love you all! 

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