Sunday, January 13, 2013

Last few days with Aloizs (Thursday Jan. 10)

I am going to back blog starting with Thursday, These last few days have been very difficult, to the point I just couldn't blog at night.  So, I am kinda glad I didn't because even though today was the hardest of them all, it gives me something to do tonight.  
Thursday Aloizs was very excited about this day, he had read on my calendar that Thursday night was Aloizs surprise.  We had asked if we could go back to Airbound again, so he could practice his backflip.  So, we said yes.  He was so excited, he told me it was Aloizs' morning surprise.  We pulled in to the parking lot and the song "Hallelujah" by Mac Powell came on and he likes that song so he wanted to turn it up, and he sang Hallelujah.  It was precious, my whole family froze in the car as he sang this song.  Every time after that when that song came on he would turn it up and sing.  It Blessed my heart! When we got in Airbound he flipped for a solid hour, and completely wore himself out. 
When we got home we had a wonderful surprise visit from our Pastor!  Pastor Stan stopped by to visit and it meant so much to us, loved having him visit and tell Aloizs goodbye.
We then went out to eat for Japanese one more time, but before we left Tony took Aloizs to the car and me and the girls decorated the kitchen table for his Birthday, balloons, anger bird cake, and a big Happy Birthday banner.  When we got home he went up stairs to change and we all waited in the kitchen with the candles lit.  When he walked in the kitchen his whole face lit up!  As he walked to the table he looked down and saw the cake, which was beautifully done and donated by my friend Jeanna and had his name on it.  I think he was overwhelmed at the sight of his cake.  His eyes teared up and he just starred at it.  I went over to him and hugged him, it broke my heart that he was holding back tears.  I am not sure but I don't know that he has ever had a Birthday cake with his name on it.  His response was better than Christmas.  His Birthday isn't until March 1, but we wanted to do that while he was here.  He ask if the cake was special, which means he wanted to know if he could eat some, because he has Celiacs Disease and of course it was made special for him!  He wanted the piece of cake with his name on it.  So happy for him!  Thank you Jeanna!!  
After that we sat down to watch a movie and half way through he stopped watching the movie and got my laptop, and looked at my calendar, laid his head back and blow a big sigh and said 3 more days.  It broke my heart, which was a routine condition for me.
I really felt we needed to talk so after the movie I told him that we were going to talk when the others went to bed.  I told my kids to be ready the other day that that was coming.  So they knew and went on to bed.  I got the translator up on the laptop and told him we really loved him, and he typed He didn't want to go back to Latvia. It killed me on the inside, but I had to hold it together, and I told him we loved him being here.  Well after a little while of talking he got my laptop and typed and after the translating delay something popped up on the screen that melted me...It said "I want you to be my momma" Well I teared up but held the total melt down for later.  I think I was in such shock that the tears were delayed.  We talked a little longer and hugged.  It was a beautiful day that I will never forget.

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