Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 21 with Aloizs

WOW!  Today was a GREAT Day!  First I would like to say I am so thankful for my church family.  So thankful for the encouraging words today, you guys have Blessed me today.  I took my laptop to church today so I could translate the message for Aloizs, I can't stand him not be able to get anything out of the service.  It was an awesome message today by Pastor Stan on 2013 NO FEAR!  I had to reword add to somethings so he could grab it, or understand, and I feel he really got a lot out of todays message.  To hear that our God is greater than the problems we have, that the enemy lies to us, but we need to trust God with our life and when I typed we need to have more of God in our life in 2013 he shook his head yes, I love it!  I wish I could share everything I typed to him this morning, but I can't  but it was great to use that time to share God with him this morning.  He seemed so happy today, I really feel he was touched and some things were mended.  He even started moving the chairs and putting them up after service.  Love how he is fitting in so well at church, I think he really feels loved there.  
We headed to mooresville today to meet up with other hosted families in NC and SC and all went bowling.  I wasn't sure how that was going to go, There was going to be a lady there that works at his orphanage and other children from Latvia.  She came over with the children as a chaperone and stays in the country til they all go home.  So I wasn't sure if he was going to go off with them and just be all around them the whole time, which would of been ok.  But I just didn't know what to expect when we got around those he could communicate with and knew.  He went up to the lady from his orphanage and spoke and seemed very happy to see her, she was very sweet and younger than I had imagined. We have to call her once a week to check in with her, but I still had her pictured a little older.  She said Aloizs looked so Happy!  And she was so excited to see him, she said she had missed him.  She wanted her picture taken with him.  She seemed to be very nice.  I told her that he was such a joy to have here with us and she said Oh Yes Aloizs sweet boy.  I really felt like he was but it was good to hear her say that.  When we went down to bowl he stayed right with us and never went off to mingle with others or even go talk with Kristine again.  It felt good to know that even though there was those from his country all around he stayed right with us and even when someone would talk with me he would motion at me to watch or come here or high five.  It really was a great feeling.  When we were leaving Kristine told him bye, and she looked at me and said you guys are a beautiful family, and Aloizs smiled and said yes.  It was just precious for him to agree with her and that he thinks we are beautiful:)
We then headed on down closer to charlotte to meet my mom and my Brother and his family for supper.  It was nice to introduce him to my family before he has to leave.  He was pretty quiet by this point it was a big day for him and I know he was tired.  We don't usually stay out that long. 
Well I have to share something that was just too cute at lunch today.  My children will probable choke me for this but it is just to cute.  I was being funny and told him through translator that Matthew was too young for a girlfriend, and Aloizs said Matt No, Mal Yes!  I thought how sweet he showed a little bit of protectiveness over Mal.  Cause I didn't even say anything about Mal.  Love it!!  
On the way home he laid his seat back and shut his eyes I know he was so tired, but of course when we got home we played our "3" games of UNO:)  
Today we now have 1 week left, He flies out Sunday morning.  How many times would you hug your child ina week if they were about to leave you to go half way around the world?  I'm not sure yet but I have a feeling I am going to get on his nerves:)  Already yesterday I went up to him randomly and hugged him and told him I loved him, he giggled and smiled real big and Had a look on his face like "I KNOW"!  I expect this will be the way it will be the rest of this week.

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