Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 15 New Year's eve day

Went to the park today and found him a a bar to flip on.  He was amazing.  He held this for a pretty long time.  It was a lot of fun today at the playground.  Just watching him having fun is such a blessing.  We then went to Sweet Frog for yogurt, and on the way he opens the sun roof and says its hot.  We are having summer in December at the Bell's house.  Outside at the playground, ice cream, sunroof open.  When he left Latvia it was 9 degrees so I am sure 50 degrees feels pretty good.  Jessica and Joshua met us at the playground and he went right up to Jessica and give her a hug it was really sweet.  We went out to eat with Margaret and Robert for supper and he decides to pick on Morgan and take her DSI and run with it, starting to really act like siblings:)  We came home and Robert and Margaret wanted to close out our year with prayer so we joined hands in a circle and had prayer, I am sure he didn't understand a word, but I know he feels the love and sees what family is through this.  Things we take for granted and expect that we will always have.  We are very Blessed here in America, and very Blessed to have family and a home.  2012 was a wonderful year, with lots of wonderful memories with my family, and what a special way to close my 2012 with a wonderful boy from Latvia.  I put on the translator that I was very happy he was with us for New Years, and that I thought that 2013 was going to be a great year.  He smiled real big, and showed Tony what I had said.  It made him so happy for me to say that.  I hugged and kissed each one of these 4 special children that God has blessed us with and told them I loved them, without a single thought I had  hugged him and kissed him on the cheek just as I did my own and didn't realize it until I sat back down, when it hit me I truly love this child like my very own.  
Matthew, Mallory, Aloizs, and I started playing Charades, and there is nothing funnier than playing charades at 1am!  Then in the middle of the game he gets up and moves over to the end of the couch and stares off, I feel like it is starting, those moments when he realizes he has to go back, and time is now going fast.  We are praying that this is not the last time God brings us together with Aloizs, and that is my New Years resolution

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