Sunday, December 30, 2012

Day 14 With Aloizs

Well I hate to repeat myself but today was another wonderful day with a beautiful child.  We went to church this morning and I was so proud of him and how he went to people and hugged them.  When we sat down I told him he was doing such a great job at greeting people and I was so proud of him.  We had a testimony service and Pastor Stan told me I could get up and share about Aloizs if I would like and I sat there and pondered the idea, but every time I thought of what I would share tears would fill my eyes, and I would get a big lump in my throat so I decided not to share this morning not because God doesn't deserve all the Glory for what He is doing, but I was just not ready, and I would of just cried.  I want a rain check on that and one day would like to do that, but not yet.  We went and eat Mexican and he wanted 2 chicken tacos and french fries, well when I ordered the waiter looked at me funny, and repeated it to me 2 or 3 times.  All I know is that is what he wanted and they just need to make that a new combo.  So he enjoyed his Chicken tacos and french fries. We went to Cosco afterward to pick up some more food...4 children we go a lot:)  and when we walked in his eyes got big and he said "wow, Big", it was his first trip to Cosco.  He had fun walking around and pushing the buggy, which is his job now every time we go to a store.  When we left he pushed the buggy real fast and jumps on it and rides it all the way to the car.  He is always fun!
When we got home Aloizs went and played drums, Morgan took a nap, Mallory laid on the couch, and Matthew was on the computer and the phone.  It was great to hear Matthew trying to talk on the phone with the drums in the background.  I told him welcome to my world:) But something happened during that time that blesses my heart to no ends,  I was trying to tell Matthew something from the family room, Matthew was in our school room and Aloizs was on the other side in our unfinished room playing drums, and I holler for Matthew and he doesn't answer, and then Aloizs stops playing drums and says "Matthew, mom wants you"  I am so glad Aloizs was not in the room with me because I would not of been able to control my face.  It blessed me so much!  We were told to introduce ourselves with our first names, and not to tell them to call us mom and dad, but if they call us that then we let them.  So happy that he feels close enough to me to call me that, instead of Melanie.   Aloizs and I then sat on the couch and looked at more videos of Gimbarr or turnikman-which is some kind of street workout that is real big over in Europe.  we sat there and we watched video after video on my laptop.  He wanted to know if we have anything like this here.  I told him we would go try and find a gymnastic bar tomorrow. maybe at a school playground.  If anyone knows of one please help me out.  He says He loves this sport.  He also would like to go to a gymnastics place and have a lesson or get to use their bar.  If anyone has any connections with that please help me give him his wish in the next couple weeks.  He is so excited about trying to get to go. 
So today was the day I felt was the right time to show my Jesus life story movie, in Latvian, that I found before he came and have been waiting for the right time.  today marks 2 weeks so I felt he now knows us and we have his trust.  We set up the projector and my laptop and showed it on the wall.  When I told him it was in Latvian he was so excited.  He was sitting in front of me and would turn around and smile at me every few minutes.  When it got to the part that Jesus raises the little girl from the dead, he turned around and looked at me and said "Jesus" I couldn't tell if that was a question or he was telling me so I just said yes.  He was glued to the movie.  When they brought out the nails he said out loud "uh oh"  He was so into the whole movie.  It was priceless!  I am so thankful for this website that has this movie in every language what a ministry!  When it was over he said "That Good" I asked him had he ever seen that and he said no.  I know he said he had heard of Jesus, but I don't think he knew all of that.  I told him that all of that was true from the Bible, and he shook his head yes.  I pray that what was planted tonight will grow, and he will know Jesus as Lord.  It was so precious.  He then of course wanted to play UNO, which is our nightly tradition.  We have so much fun with it though, he is just as competitive as we are.  I think we have played more UNO in the last 2 weeks than we have played total in all the years my children have been playing.:)
We went to put the kids to bed and Tony and I went in to pray with Aloizs and Matthew, and when we were done, Tony went out and Morgan came in to get Bailey.  Well Aloizs was picking on her and told her "No, his dog", 'Bailey stay"  and he was holding him tight and she couldn't get him.  I was holding my Mia and some plastic to put in the trash.  Morgan said mom help me, so I put my Mia down and the trash and said well we will just have to double team him and I turned around to walk towards him and the look of horror was on that childs face like I have never seen on anyone.  He didn't understand what I said, and he didn't see my face he just saw that I put my stuff down and he thought he was in trouble.  It broke my heart, but I held it together, and told Morgan to get one arm and we tried to pull his arms apart and then we started tickling him and finally got Bailey free.  I then hugged him good night and told him that I love him.  Morgan saw it and even noticed it and made a comment about it when we got to her room.  When I got to my room I lost it and cried so hard, the thoughts of the reason that that child would have a look like that, rips my heart out.  I have never seen such fear on a face in all of my life, I am not sure what has happened in his past to make him look like that, but it couldn't of been good.   That face is forever in bedded in my mind.  Please pray for our precious Aloizs

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