Friday, December 28, 2012

Day 12 With Aloiz

Today was really just a quit kind of day.  We hung out around the house this morning, Matthew spent some time with him showing him the drums and letting him play for a little awhile.  I think he really enjoyed that.  This afternoon we went out and did some more shopping and he got a hat and some shoe strings.  I think he really likes to walk around and shop.  We then went to Adventure Landing and played in the arcade for awhile, which was fun, and then ate at Taco Bell.  I am just going to be real honest here and tell you guys my heart...I DO NOT want to see this child leave!  I wish there was something I could do about that and he just stay!  I couldn't love a child anymore than I love this one!  He is such a joy and is absolutely precious.  I ask today that you would start praying for me, cause when this child leaves in 2 weeks I don't think I am going to be in very good shape:(  Not really able to write a lot tonight for thinking about it already.  Sorry guys, maybe tomorrow I will be in better shape.  

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