Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Day 3 with Aloiz

It was another wonderful day with a child that is nothing short of a miracle.  The lady at the dentist office asked me how I found out about hosting children from Latvia and Aloiz, and it reminded me of just that. I told her his picture came up on my Facebook.  From that moment God's hand has strategically  placed Aloiz with us...So now seeing him with our family I can see why, he is an absolute joy in the Bell house. We are not only meant to touch his life but he is touching ours as well.   I thought our family was close before Aloiz but with him here we are spending even more quality time together, never thought that could be possible.  I guess he reminds us of the little things in life that are important.  Its the uno games, glow sticks in the car, popping bubble gum and seeing who is the loudest, standing in the yard in a circle and kicking a  soccer ball to each other, going on long walks, getting an Icee, and the list goes on.  He brings the little things back to our family that are really the BIG things.  So as you read todays blog I hope Aloiz also brings these things back to your family. 
Also today Aloiz got to meet HEIS, the Best group of teens you could ever meet!  They did a great job at getting to know him and making him feel apart. I was so proud of them.  Aloiz also did very good tonight, he ate better today than he has, he talked and laughed with all of the Youth, which was a big step.  
It was great that Will and Thomas had an eye appointment today that they talked about, that was good for Aloiz to hear about, since his is tomorrow.  Aloiz did a great job at the dentist today, he told me he wasn't afraid:)  He was great, that has to be scary in another country where you don't understand everything around you.  But Dr. Virtue and his staff  were very nice, they cleaned his teeth and fixed 3 small cavities all as a donation to Aloiz.  Very thank for some amazing people!  God is good and His plans are always Amazing, I am so loving his plan for the Bell's right now!

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