Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day 10 With Aloiz

For Christmas from Tony's Mom and Dad gave Aloiz and my children all got money in a card, so they all wanted to go shopping today:/  The mall was crazy busy!  But Aloiz didn't know what a mall was, and I am sorry, I couldn't handle that!  Everyone needs to of been shopping at the mall:)  So we endured the crowd for the sake of education. lol.  It was a lot of fun though, he picked out a pair of "RED" shoes, I repeat "RED" shoes, please if you see us out, beware!  What do you say, I said are you sure?  You want to look at other stores?  He said "No These"  so he buys RED vans and he is happy.  I will have to save our lesson in fashion for another day, I told myself baby steps.:)
After a long time walking around the mall we decided to go eat, I asked him if he had ever had Japanese?  and he said No, I ask him if he would like to try it, and I got a Yes, I was so excited.  I love Mexican and Japanese food, and we already cleared the Mexican food.  I ordered for him, Hibachi chicken and mixed veggies, and he loved it!!  YaY!  I think it is so awesome that he was willing to try something he had never had before.  I even got him some chop sticks and he and I  ate a bit with those. so very cool!
We got Aloiz a stuffed animal with an audio devise in it that tell the story of Jesus in Latvian and Russian, and it is solar powered and will never need batteries. It is absolutely the coolest ministry tool I have ever seen.  Well last night Matthew stayed up late with Andrew on the computer, and he said when he went to bed Aloiz was already asleep and was holding it and had fell asleep while it was playing.  so he reached over and turned it off for him.  Love that so much!  Tonight when I was walking out of his room I heard it playing.  So precious that he is listening to this amazing tool of the Gospel.  
Every night I hug him goodnight and tell him I love him and tonight for the first time he said it back real softly.  Totally has made my night!  

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