Sunday, December 16, 2012

Well what a day!  We got up fairly early and finished things around the house.  We gathered any paper work needed for the Airport, Aloiz's Pillow Pet and we headed to Raleigh.  Because Aloiz was the only child flying to Raleigh he didn't have the normal Chaperone he was flying with a flight attendant from Chicago.  This flight attendant had to get right back on the same plane, so they told us we were going to have to get a gate pass to go to the gate and get him from the flight attendant.  So when we arrive at the ticket desk, the lady will only give us 2 passes to go to the gate:( so Matthew and I had to leave the girls and go through security and wait at the gate.  1 hour seemed like 20!  we waited, and the closer the time came the more nervous we got...then we saw the plane lights coming to park, and we looked at each other, and I said we can do this.  Matthew said he had never been that nervous before.  Hey also said well I am finally getting the brother I always wanted.  Right on time Aloiz and the flight attendant get off the plane and our mouths dropped...he is soooo tall.  but just as cute as he can be.  We walked up to them and they checked my ID.  We hugged him and he hugged back.  We give him his pillow pet and headed back to meet the rest of the Bells.  He hugged the girls and Tony and we took a picture.  It was a long 3 hours in the car.  They watched a muppet movie.  You can't go wrong with that:)  We used the phones to communicate, but for the most part we just let him rest.  My children were just so thoughtful tonight, they had brought their pillow pets in the car and showed him how to open them up for a pillow and all laid their heads over and rested.  When we got home, we had hardly stepped foot in the door and he pulled out presents to give us.  He give us these 2 bunnies he had made and a box of chocolates from his city Rigi.  He smiled from ear to ear.  We loved on him and told him thank you.  It was just the sweetest thing I think I have ever seen.  We then set down at the table with him while he ate a snack before bed (banana).  He was so tired.  We tucked our boys and give them hugs in Aloiz's room cause Matthew wanted to stay in the other twin bed beside him so he wouldn't be by himself, we haven't tucked Matthew in at 8:30pm in I don't know how long.  So precious that he would go to bed that early:)  So we look forward to what tomorrow holds.  Sleep tight, the Bell's are going to bed early.  Love you All!


  1. What an awesome thing you are doing! I pray God will greatly bless you and Aloiz during his time here :)I can't wait to hear all about it. Does he speak English?

    1. He speaks very little English. But just that little bit helps so much!
