Wednesday, December 12, 2012

One Starfish at a Time

 There is a well known poem about an old man who found a boy throwing washed up starfish back into the ocean. He continuously bends down to pick up another starfish one at a time to throw them back to safety in the sea. The old man asks the boy why he is bothering to do this. There are so many starfish along miles and miles of beach! Surely the boy does not think he can possibly make a difference! The boy quietly throws another starfish into the water and replies, “It made a difference for that one.” 
Our Family's mission is to help as many people in our lifetime as we can especially children.  
This is our journey of being available and asking God to make us able. This is the story of how God used a photo of a boy to change everything. This is proof Miracles still happen and you can see them if you pay attention.

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