Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Day 8 with Aloiz

Christmas Eve with our host son Aloiz!  What an awesome day, Aloiz, Morgan and I got and went grocery shopping, I hate to admit this but with everything going on I had not bought Christmas Dinner or baked and cookies.  So we went shopping, he loves to push the buggy and when you check out he loves to take all of the groceries out of the cart.  He loves to help!  We get home and it is raining, so I called Matthew to come help with the groceries and he said he just got out of the shower, he would get dressed and be out.  Well we come in with a few bags and Aloiz heads back out to get more bags, when he comes back in I said Matthew is coming to help with the bags and I turned around and he was gone back out the door, I looked out our glass front doors and he was running up the walkway, in a few minutes he came flying back in the kitchen with all of the bags and said thats all with a big smile on his face!  He was hurrying to bring in all of the groceries.
When then made rice krispy treats adn cookies.  All of the kids had a great time with the cookies!  What a mess-4 kids decorating cookies! We then went to the school room and painted a ceramic nativity set. It was then time for supper and Tony to come home, after we ate (and boy did Aloiz eat!)  Tony read the Christmas story and we opened one present like we always do, he was very excited!  We then put them to bed and we started wrapping, and wrapping and wrapping.  It was fun preparing Christmas for 4 children.  We finally call it a night about 1:30 (thats why I didn't blog)  It was a wonderful Christmas day!

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