Thursday, December 27, 2012

Day 11 With Aloizs

Today was a lot of fun, we started our day being around the house, Tony trimmed some trees and Aloizs and I went for  a bike ride.  It was really nice out side and it give Tony time to get some work done and my kids some time to take showers and get ready. 
Aloizs had been showing me some youtube videos about parkour. So it looked like airbound to me without the trampolines, so I showed him videos of Airbound and he was so excited he asked if we could go, so we took him there this afternoon and they had a great time.  He is 6'2" and you should of seen him flipping in the air!  Aloizs, Matthew, and Morgan had a blast there!  Tony, Mallory and myself enjoyed taking video/pics and watching.  every time he would do something he would turn around to make sure we were watching.  He absolutely loved that place.  We can home and I made spaghetti which he loved!  and puts ranch on it like Mallory:)  We then played a game of charades, teams were Tony/Morgan, Me/Aloizs, and Mallory/Matthew (we love being even) It was so fun, he loved it, of course he and I had to use the translator to guess but we held our own and came in second.  We ended our night with popcorn and a superman movie, thats just America:)  He really enjoyed the movie, I don't think he had ever seen or heard of Superman, just Batman.  So that was day 11, another special day with an incredible boy.
   I wanted to share some insight into my comments in the past on his great progress of doing the little things that are really a big deal.  I got to thinking and thought there may be  a lot of you that might not understand when I say things about him hugging or touching or eye contact.   In our training we were told that they may not hug, or could shy away from a small touch.  On our training day one exercise was to hug a complete stranger that doesn't hug back, it was very uncomfortable.  I mean a 2 arm full hug like you would give a very close relative.  We did this training because they wanted us to hug our host child like they were a close relative even when they did not hug us back.  They wanted them to fill loved and learn to hug.  They also told us a lot of the time they do not make eye contact because they are not custom to being comfortable to do that.  Many are treated as unwanted or unloved outcast.   There country treats orphans a lot different than they  are treated here in America.  So for him to be connected with us and at the comfortable level that he is at is such a special thing.  It makes me so happy to see him responding to the fact that he is loved.  There are about 220 children from different Orphanages in Latvia and Ukraine, and all of the host families are in a Facebook group.  Today I was reading a post from one of the host families and it said that their host child started crying and they ask her what was wrong and she said she was not use to having so much, that what she has been given since she has been here is more than she has had here entire life, she said she has never felted  loved before and it makes her eyes leak.  It breaks my heart to think that children hurt that bad, and need love that much.  I am so thankful for what God is doing in these children's lives.  He loves the children so much and hears their prayers.   

  1. [ Jesus Blesses Little Children ] Then little children were brought to Him that He might put His hands on them and pray, but the disciples rebuked them.
  2. Matthew 19:14
  3. But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

Please pray for Aloizs today that what ever he has been through that he might learn that Jesus loves him and wants to mend that hurt and replace it with love.  We don't know how he ended up at the Orphanage or anything about his parents or even how long he has been there, but I know Jesus knows and can take care of it all.  We are so blessed, and we don't even realize it, thankful for this eye opening that God is doing our life.  So glad to be in His Will, being His hands and Feet, I feel so unworthy to do so.  This is definitely a humbling experience.  But isn't that the way it is that the closer we get to God the more we see our incompleteness without HIM.

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