Friday, December 21, 2012

Day 5 With Aloiz

Well today was a great day of "life with the real Bells":)  It started with loading drums, and unloading drums, Big part of our life, Aloiz jumped right in and carried his share.  He got to hear Matthew's band play today.  He even went out to eat with the band.  which was spontaneous, which the Bells are.  We found out that he likes Mexican!!  Thats good news, another Big part of the Bells.  We came home and made sock puppets, and played the Wii.  and of course Aloiz beats us at everything.  It was so sweet though he got up and helped Morgan golf.  He loves the dogs I even saw him kiss Bailey on the head today.  Tonight Matthew and Mallory had a party to go to, when we dropped them off Aloiz hugged then bye.   Tony, Me, Aloiz and Morgan went ice skating, that child took off on the ice, he was in his element!!  He flew around weaving around people, helping little girls up who had falling.  Then he came flying past Morgan and grabbed each of her hands a took off with her, it was just too cute.  we took a break while they redid the floor, and Tony got us a drink and a popcorn, and he loves popcorn!  Another biggy for the Bells.  He was just awesome at the Ice skating rink he smiled the entire time we were there.  As soon as they opened the door to reopen the ice.  Tony said look, Aloiz had gotten in the front,  bust out and was the first one on the ice and took off across the ice all by himself wide open.  Tony and I was standing at the glass talking and he came by and slammed into the glass and scared me, and went off laughing.  Then he came by the glass again and I put my hands up on the glass so he put his against mine on the glass.  Sounds simple but really very special. WE Had an absolute blast with him tonight.  He had rode up front with me in the car on the way to the ice skating and when we went in to get Matthew and Mallory he went in with me, so when we came back out he went to the front seat, and after he jumped in the car he turned around and smiled at the other 3.  another cute moment.  On the way home I ask if anyone was hungry they all said yes, so I said well when we get home we will eat something at 11:00pm, He started laughing (that we would eat at 11)  So I cooked hotdogs and we sat around the table at 11 and eat, another thing that can happen in the Bell household:)  So Today was a great adventure for Aloiz,  just a peak at how the Bell family really roll.  And He did amazing with it all!  

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