Thursday, December 20, 2012

Day 4 With Aloiz

Their is always so much I could say about our day but I try not to make it too long.  So I'll hit the high lights.  Aloiz and I had a morning breakfast just the 2 of us.  Matthew decided to go take a long shower to give me some time with Aloiz.  (Matthew's idea)  So at breakfast I asked him about coming to America before and he said he had been here 1 time before.  Today I felt it was getting closer to him being able to open up to me, so I asked him if  he had heard of Jesus,  and he said yes.  I asked if he learned about him in America and he said no, in Latvia.  I asked him if he heard of Jesus from the Salvation Army in Latvia and he said yes.  I had read that he spent some time at the Salvation Army.  Salvation Army is a super ministry.  I am glad to hear that he has already heard of Jesus, I look forward to having more conversations about the Bible.  He and I then had a great game of Air Hockey, which he is just about undefeated at our house:)  He has amazing hand eye coordination.
We pretty much hung out around the house in the am, we watch Mr. Bean which we all find very funny.  Aloiz has our sense of humor.  He fits in with our family so much it is amazing. He had his eye doctor's appointment today, and guess what He needed glasses, just like all 5 of the Bells.  He just had a slight prescription needed,  and the eye doctor's in our neighborhood, Scott and Gail Gordon provided him with his exam and let him pick out any pair of glasses he wanted.  Scott did a great job with the exam and the 2 of them were just super sweet to Aloiz today,  Very thankful for them both!  So glad to have these Doctor's that are so willing to provide his dental and eye care.  Aloiz seemed so happy to be being taken care of.  
I was a little nervous about fixing supper tonight, it was the first time I had cooked a full meal since he has been here.  I made BBQ Chicken, corn, mashed potatoes, broccoli, and I put it all in the center of the table.  His face lit up and he started fixing his plate, and that child ate 3 or 4 helpings of it all.  It made my night!  It is the most I have seen him eat since he has been here.  He is so skinny I don't know where he put it all.  After Supper we started a game of  Monopoly, and Tony come home from work, Aloiz gets right up from the table and throws his arms around Tony and gives him a hug, he was so happy to see him.  It was so precious, I think he missed Tony today.  I love how he is really starting to open up more today, he is laughing out loud, saying words (we love to hear his voice) , calling the dogs by name, and helped clean the kitchen with the other kids.
We count it a blessing every day we get to spend with Aloiz.  I look forward to tomorrow and what it holds.

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