Sunday, December 23, 2012

Day 6 & 7

Well sorry about not blogging yesterday my day went long:)  So be prepared for a long blog today...
Day 6
Tony and Aloiz started their day by going out to the hardware store together, to get a part for the Go Cart and then all 3 of the boys worked on the Go Cart most of the day trying to get it running.  but with all of their efforts that didn't ever happen.  Meanwhile, me and the girls went and did some Christmas shopping for Aloiz:)  and We had a great time, I so hope he likes everything we got him.  When we all came back together, we decided to go to the movies and see "Monsters inc 3D"  Aloiz's choice.  When we get to the movies we asked him what he wanted to drink, he pointed to Cherry Coke...boy after my own heart.  (thats my fav)  He had a blast and laughed his head off!  Not to mention he eats popcorn like me and Matthew:)  That was too funny.  It was a great Saturday.  
Day 7
I can't believe it has been a week already!  Aloiz's first time to church with us, so I prepared him with some info on the Tony would sit at the computer, Matthew plays the drums, Mallory would be in the nursery.  So when we get there he seems to be very excited gets out of the car quick and heads in.  While sitting there early during praise band practice, I was fixing the safety kiddo candles.  I couldn't get the battery in and was fighting with them, he reaches over and started working with them.  Most of them were broke and I couldn't figure out why, he takes them apart and starts fixing each one gets all of them to work.  Just love how he just jumps in and starts doing things to help.  He did an excellent job during meet and greet, he went around shaking hands, I turned around and he wasn't even behind me, he was off shaking hands.  Loved it!  During the music a couple of times I heard him singing, what a blessing.  One of the kids during the candle light service couldn't get their candle to work so they turned around and handed it to him, not me:)  he took it apart and fixed it and handed it back.  again, sounds so simple but is huge interaction with others.  He loved the treat bags as soon as we got in the car he ate a snickers bar.  He was so excited over that.  We then headed over to Tony's family get together, and again he was great a little more quiet but over all did very well.  A couple of days again Tony pointed to Aloiz's shirt and when he looked down Tony hit him in the face.  Well today Aloiz did it back to Tony and then started laughing.  I love how he has our sense of humor. When we were leaving the family gathering we saw horses, he was so excited over that he grabs my phone out of my hand and starts taking pictures of the horses, then when he petted them I took his picture, not sure if he has ever seen or petted one before but he was so happy about it.   Tonight was a blast!  We decided to play Just Dance on the Wii, well he jumps up with us and dances and laughs right along with us, it was just sooo funny, I was crying.    Well being that it is our one week mark I had to fill out a Week 1 report and send it in, He was sitting beside me and I came to the question was there anything that he dislikes about his stay, so I put it in the translator to ask him and he said "No", "It Good", "Very Good"  It made me smile!  So glad he thinks his stay is Very Good:)
Reflecting on the first week
God has brought a boy from half way around the world to our home, a complete stranger that doesn't even speak our language to stay with us in our home 24/7, and it has to be the most incredible thing the Bell's have ever experienced.  God has given us a love for Aloiz that seems as though he has always been apart of us.  We all adore this child.  God has a plan for all of this and I think we are just touching the surface.  Over the week the Bell's will meet and talk when Aloiz is asleep,  some of these talks of remembering the laughs of the day, some are precious sweet moments that remind us that he doesn't have a home or a family, Matthew said every morning he wakes up and sits on the side of the bed, and tells Matthew good morning, then he opens the blinds and looks out and says "Sun", "Its Good Day", and he takes a shower, and makes his bed, eager to start every day., I put an evangy cube on his bedside table, Matthew said he picks it up and looks at it every morning and every night, I am waiting for the right moment to walk him through the cube and talk about the life of Jesus and ask if he has ask him into his heart.  Praying for just the right moment.  One night I got to thinking about how he is so good at everything, he strives to be perfect, and it broke my heart, what he is doing, is working so hard for perfection, so he will have a place to be loved and excepted, so First thing Saturday morning when he came to the table I typed on the translator, that I think you are so awesome, it is great that you are so good at air hockey, basketball, UNO, and everything else you touch, but that is not why I love you, I love you because you are sweet and good hearted, I love you for you.  and I waited for him to read it and he looked up at me with a BIG smile and said "Ok".  So thankful for God's insight in caring for this fragile child.  So as this first week comes to a close I have to say I think we have made one step closer to our Heavenly Father, we have seen Him work not only in Aloiz's life but in ours.  

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