Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Day 2 With Aloiz

Day 2 Started off amazing.  Matthew and Aloiz walk into the kitchen, Matthew hugs me good morning, and then Aloiz walks over to me and hugs me too.  It made my day:)  That is a huge deal for day 2.  Very glad he is feeling comfortable around us, even Tony is getting hugs from him. Todays adventure consisted of decorating gingerbread houses, playing basketball, soccer, riding bikes, going for a walk to the river, swinging, climbing on this hay bail, tanglewwood lights, cookout milkshake and then end with a few games of UNO. We all are truly enjoying having him he fits in with us very well.  Keep him in your prayers on Wed.  He has a Dentist appointment, and he will be eating with the youth group at Golden Corral.  He still gets real quiet and acts nervous around others.  Tomorrow will be a big day for him, being with a lot of people besides just us.  I still can't believe the picture of the boy on my fb is actually here with us,  all day I kept looking at him thinking I just can't believe it.  He adds something special to our family thats hard to even put into words.

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