Monday, December 17, 2012

Day 1 With Aloiz

Today was an amazing first day!  It started with a text from Matthew that said Aloiz woke up and looked at him and said "Good Morning".  I know that was so cool for Matthew.  He got up made his bed, took a shower and came down for breakfast with the family.  I asked him if he felt up to shopping today and he said "Yes".  All of the clothes that had been given to us for him were way too small.  So we all went to Kohl's, and it was a lot of fun helping him pick out a few outfits.  We then headed to Walmart and we let him pick out some snacks, one time I turned around and thought Tony was pushing the buggy and it was Aloiz, he looked at me and grinned real big.  Something so small is really so big.  I think it made him feel apart of the family, he pushed the buggy the entire time we were there, and truly enjoyed it.   After this we meet Margaret and Robert (Tony's mom and dad) at Golden Corral.  We wanted to see what kind of foods he seemed to like the most.  He eats very healthy do to his Celiacs Disease.  He ate salad, tomatoes, corn and then we got him to try a rice krispy treat and cotton candy for the first time and he loved them both.  We came home and Matthew and him played air hockey which he is very good at and loves!  We then put the Christmas tree up together, which really brought tears to my eyes.  He was so helpful, he helped Matthew put the sections of the tree together and then we put ornaments on the tree, he was very involved.  We then played a game of uno, which he really had fun with, it was a great time of laughing and picking.  You know Game time at the Bell's, he is just as competitive as we are:) We ended our day with a movie, Madagascar 3, which is sooo funny. Aloiz went to bed again tonight at 8:30 and my children followed.   It was a full day that couldn't of been more perfect.  Aloiz is a very precious young boy in a tall body, he is so eager to please and do everything right, I feel this is a way of life for him to be excepted.  I'm glad he is so well mannered but it also makes me a little sad, cause what has this child been through, in that he thinks he has to do everything perfect for others to love and except him.
 Early this morning  God laid it on my heart about the "Starfish" the boy in the poem was trowing them back in the ocean, making a difference in each one.  But God opened my mind to the fact that some starfish are hurt more than others, even broken.  And they have to be scooped up gently and carried back to the ocean.  and as you carry them ever so gently the waves can sometimes knock you down, and even cause the starfish to fall out of your hands.  With these particular starfish they are fragile and have to be cared for and carried a little slower.  So that in this transition back they are not broken or harmed anymore than what they already are.  As I think of this new spin on this so touching poem, it makes me realize that this is something only God can help me do.  and that when that day comes that you hand that starfish back, that God can mend and heal this fragile little starfish that has been placed in our care.  Praying for the day that this most precious child makes it to the Heavenly Father and receives his healing and salvation.  Love you All, Melanie

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