Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day 9 Christmas day with Aloiz

Christmas Day
What an exciting time with family.  Aloiz as well as the others were all smiles as they entered the room with presents wrapped under the lit tree.  They came down about 7am ready for the presents.  Aloiz was so happy to see all of his gifts all stacked together.  He started opening one by one and was very appreciative for each one.  We got him a pair of brown shoes and he kept picking them up and telling me he liked them, with a big smile.  Mallory got her Justin Beiber tickets and started crying, we had to use the translator real quick with that, cause I know he didn't understand why we give her something that made her cry like that:)  It was so fun to watch those 4 children having such a happy time under the tree.  They each were so thankful and loved everything they got.  We then had breakfast, eggs and sausage.  afterwards we opened packages and putting in batteries and more fun began.  Christmas dinner was so good Margaret and I team up pretty good:)  After lunch we went bike riding and enjoyed being outside for a while.  Then came the Christmas photos thats always a challenge, there isn't much that is funnier than Tony setting the timer on the camera and it starts blinking and Aloiz yelling "GO!, GO!" and Tony running to get in the picture.  It is a wonder we every got a good picture.  Morgan and Aloiz came in and played the Anger birds board game and had lots of fun while I cleaned and Matthew got to spend some time with his new Turtle Beaches.   As the night came we thought we were settling down to do Wii sports when I get a phone call from Chrisana and Otis that they are on their way to see us.  with Jasmine and Byron.  I told Aloiz that they were coming, and he seemed okay.  When they got there he went right up to them and greeted them.  It was so cool to have them come by, Aloiz really enjoyed them.  They beatboxed and freestyled for Aloiz cause I told them he likes that.  Aloiz may not of understood every word but he was rolling!  As well as all of us in the room.  Those two are just so funny together. Of course I know Matthew was loving it, brings back great memories for him.  Otis then said lets play a family game, "Mom, whats one of those old games we use to play, how about the HA Game"  so we then broke out in one of our old games of "HA".  So I translated how to play and Aloiz loved it, he participated and it was so funny!  When they had to leave Aloiz went up to each one of them and hugged them bye.  It was really precious, I was so proud of him.  And it was so special to have those guys come by and see me on Christmas!  It was just a very special time with some awesome kids!  Aloiz then wanted to play a game of UNO, even though he was tired and it was late...I think thats how after having been with other people that he brings it back to just us again.  Cause every time with have been with others either at home or out he wants to end our night with UNO, even though I know he is so tired.  We ended up staying up until 12:00 playing UNO!  It really was a great Christmas day!! I am very thankful to God for bringing all of these kiddos together to make a such a wonderful family.  
Here are Some special moments with Aloiz
I was raised that you did not go into someones refrigerator, that was a big rule in my house except for family.  I have noticed that Aloiz now will open the refrigerator and fix himself something to drink, I love me it shows feeling apart of this family.  I also look at laying on the couch as a family thing, Christmas I noticed when Morgan and I started building Legos on the floor he laid over on the couch and watched men's olympics on youtube on my phone, he had never seen the Olympics before. A little story goes with that,  the other day He wanted to show me street workouts in Latvia, so he got my phone and was showing me videos of these guys that spin on these bars in the city, it was quite amazing, I told him they look like the men in the Olympics.  Christmas he asked me about the Olympics, so I showed him the men's Gymnastics from 2012, and he said he had never seen that.  He laid there mesmerized by it.  He loves that sort of stuff.  But back to my list of special moments of noticing him being comfortable with the family, I have one more...touching, in a family you sit closer on the couch, you lean on each other to look at stuff, you  don't mind if your hands touch when handing a phone back,  Well all of that may sound dumb but it is things that we don't realize we do with our family because we are comfortable with them, and it is great to see Aloiz doing these small things and being comfortable with them.  Love how he will be on the couch and lean over on me or Tony to look at something we are doing, or one night picking on Matthew we took his phone at the table, and Aloiz and I were passing the phone back and forth under the table.  or how he will tap on Tony's shoulder and act like it wasn't him.  Loving this second week where the walls come down and the comfort level goes up.  

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