Monday, January 14, 2013

Last weekend with Aloizs

Friday Jan. 11th
It was a simple day at our house, we went shopping again, for something specific Aloizs was wanting to get before he left.  We stayed home most of the day and I fixed tacos, which seemed to be a big favorite he ate 4:)  That night was very precious, when Tony and I went in the room to tell the boys goodnight, I had sat on Aloizs' bed and Tony was sitting on Matthew's bed.  Aloizs leans over to hug me goodnight and when I went to let go I couldn't move.  He held on with his head on my shoulder and laid there with his eyes closed, as though he just wanted to pause there for as long as he could.  We forget but hugs are a vital part of our life, and mean so much.  He knew his time was coming to a close and I told Tony I think kissing them goodnight and praying with him was one of his most favorite things.  I just sat there and waited til he felt he was done holding on, I kissed him on the check and told him goodnight.  Of course as always I went to my room and had me a big ole cry.  He absolutely melts my heart.  We don't think about these things we have them every night, but he puts himself to bed at night, with no hug, no kisses, and no one to pray for him.  and probable never has his entire life.  How special of a moment for all of us to pour into this little boy the love that God has given us for him.
Sat. Jan.12th
I had set out his suitcase and when I went in his room that morning he was already packing.  It was not easy to go in there and help him get all of his things together.  After we finished it was time to go, I had Sidewalk Bible School.  Which for those that don't know that is our Children's ministry we do in the city of Winston Salem on the streets.  We loaded up the car and of course Aloizs was a big help as well as my other 3.  We had a wonderful turn out with around 20 children. I thought it was good for him to see what our family does. We then went out to eat at Stake and Shake, which he loves there fries and ice cream.  He was wanting to make an airbrushed shirt, so I had called Jessica to find us a place and she did at Cook's Flea Market.  After we were done eating we headed over to the airbrush him a shirt.  It had dice rolling with his name on it.  He loved it and was so excited to have it.  He used his money he had gotten from Tony's mom and Dad.  He had to spend it all before he left, they are not allowed to take any money home with them.  That night Margaret and Robert Tony's mom and dad came over to eat with us, and we played bowling on the wii.  When it was time to go to bed Aloizs was very quite and to himself.  It bothered me when we went to his room he sat on the floor with Alex (matthew's dog) instead on the bed beside me.  He also just hugged me real quick and was ready to go to bed.  This was very different than he had been acting at night.  I hugged him several times because it was his last night.  I teared up and didn't want to leave his room.  It was so hard to make myself leave the room knowing it was my last night to tell him good night.  He seemed very distant which made it even harder.  But I understand he was trying to deal with it himself. And once again I headed to bed to do my nightly cry.
I haven't talked a lot about the rest of the family too much, but I wanted to say that I could not be more proud of my 3 children over the last 4 weeks.  They have sacrificed so much to make sure Aloizs has had a good time here.  They have shared everything...parents, home, games, decisions always being what Aloizs wants...and the list goes on.  I know it has been hard on them in every way.  They are some awesome children and love others greatly especially Aloizs.  They have been such a huge part of the caring for Aloizs.  Taking turns entertaining him.  I am so proud of each one of them, and I know God is.  In this blog over the course of 4 weeks, I haven't mentioned everything thing it is just not been possible, but Tony and the kids are just amazing.  This whole journey has been a team effort that we did for God, and with God.  

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