Tuesday, February 5, 2013

talked with Aloizs today

Well I got to talk on the phone with Aloizs today:)
He wanted me to call him and he sent me his phone number. I sent him a message that we wouldn't understand each other, he said he wanted to hear my voice.  So I called him today...Let me say, it was the best $30 I have spent in a long time.  It was well worth it to hear him talk and say "I love you"  He said he was very happy. He sounded very happy to be talking, and he did very good in speaking in English.  Amazing how well he is picking up English.  He is an amazing kid, and I am so thankful God has chose us to be his family.  I have something to share that we talked about but it will be a blog all in itself.  I will share it soon.   

We are faced with a huge mountain in front of us, but I know God says with Him we can move mountains.  Praying that this mountain that stands before us that has to be moved before we can see Aloizs again, will move quickly.  

Aloizs said that it has always been his  dream to have a family.  would you please help us in making his dream come true. There are many ways to help, we need your prayers,
and we need financial support.  Any amount is a blessing and is one step closer to having him back.  Thank you to all of you that have been so supportive from the very beginning, you have touched and changed a life.  You have been a huge part of what God is doing in Aloizs' life.  I love you all!

Donate online: (designate donation to Tony & Melanie Bell)

Our you can mail a check made out to Open Door Adoption Agency to:
Tony and Melanie Bell
748 River Grove Ct.
Lewisville, NC 27023

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