Monday, February 11, 2013

God is Always on time

      God is Awesome and always right on time, not a minute too early and not a minute too late.  As most of you know we needed $1400 today for our home study.  Well our fund raiser went very well and we were very thankful for everyone that bought our Double love Bouquets for Valentines.  But as of  8am this morning, we were still $500 short.  I went to bed last night without one worry.  Tony and I had peace that it was going to be ok.  That sounds like I am making that up or like that is easy...but in times past I would of been worrying and Tony would of been worrying, but I would of been more verbal about it.  But we really didn't worry we went right to bed and never give it another thought.  I had told Tony that we are being tested, and things will be provided as we show we trust God for every step.  8am came around 2 hours before we need the money...I get a text "did you get all of what you needed?"  I text back no.  9am, 1 hour before the social worker arrives, and we have a check in the mailbox for $500. Praise God for being right on time.  We serve a Big God and He and only He can provide when we trust Him.  I know that this whole journey will be like this, I said it from day one, it will be one step at a time.  When we got to adding  up all of the donations, we were off by $5.  (not much or anything to worry about) and in a matter of seconds, I got a message on my phone that said, "Melanie I just made a donation online for $25 for your adoption"... the timing was amazing.  God is just Awesome!  so we paid what needed to be paid and God started our next hurdle with $20 to start.  
     The Home study was long and full of paperwork, we had everything that was needed to be turned in.  And she give us 4 more things to accomplish this week.  She had originally told us that the Home study would be finished by mid March, today she said she would have it finished to be reviewed by THIS weekend!! one month ahead of schedule!  

     Then Tony and I headed off to the Doctors office to have TB test and blood work etc...for our Physicians report.  Which someone had told us they called a week ago to get an appointment and they didn't get one until April.  I call the end of last week and got one for today.  Can I just say God is just Awesome!  We got everything we needed and the test results should be ready on Thursday.  Dr. Hess is the Best!

     Okay so if that wasn't enough to be the best day ever,  Aloizs sends me a message about a video(Hillsong, lead me to the cross, with Latvian lyrics)  I posted on the Latvian social network called frype, and he said that song made him cry.  He said he loved Jesus.  I said it is beautiful what Jesus did for us on the cross.  He said that Jesus was his savior.  Then he says he is thankful again the God has given him a family. 

     It really has been a great day.  We are Blessed beyond measure, Just that God loves us so much he sent his Son that we might be saved, and every other Blessing is just because He can.  
Matthew 7:11
As bad as you are, you still know how to give good gifts to your children. But your heavenly Father is even more ready to give good things to people who ask.

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