Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What is impossible for God?

What is impossible for God?
Nothing is impossible for God...
On October 12  This picture shows up on my Facebook 
and my world around me stopped ...and my life is now forever changed.  This face of a child  4,221 miles away in Latvia that was praying for a family, God puts on my Facebook, from a Facebook page I have never heard of or ever liked.  They had posted many pictures but not just any of the pictures were on my wall just this one at the very moment I was scrolling down the Facebook wall. 
 Nothing is impossible for God.  
Some of you may know this story but I felt lead to share this story for those that may not. 

Our family decided to not host this child but to host a younger one instead. We then found out that the younger boy we were going to host had been adopted. They told us we would have to pick another child to come for Christmas, and they sent me an email with a list of pictures of about 7 or so pictures of children from the Ukraine.  I just didn't feel that these were it but I clicked on one picture to see if it would give me their bio, but when i clicked it, it took me to another link, and on that link was this picture of Aloizs again.  I picked up the phone and called New Horizons for Children.  I asked her about Aloizs and she told me there wasn't a link to the pictures she sent me.
What is impossible for God?

I then told her he was the first child I had seen and was the reason we were even hosting to begin with...she said well he is from Latvia and Latvia is now closed their hosting for Christmas, and they would have to ask if they could reopen it so he could be hosted. she said she couldn't make any promises but she would ask and call me back.
What is impossible for God?

Within 10 minutes she calls me back and says you are not going to believe this he is still available, they are closed but have left this boy opened for hosting... She was so shocked and said wow this is meant to be
What is impossible for God?

We then hosted Aloizs an you know the rest, I have fallen in love with this child like my very own.
nothing is impossible for God, He hears and answers prays and does the impossible because He can.  Mallory said it is like God holds the world in His hands and looks down at it like it is Google Earth, and takes His fingers to zoom in on a life that is praying and sees Aloizs in Latvia and then zooms over NC and sees the Bell family...and then Says, nothing is impossible and crosses our paths from 4,221 miles away.  

We serve a Great Big God with a Great Big Heart that loves us all and Nothing is impossible for Him

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Aloizs and Jesus

What a beautiful time of conversation with Aloizs.  His depth and love never stop amazing me.  He mentioned to me yesterday that he prays for us everyday.  Love that so much! Also he shares with me today after I told him Jesus loves him he says he loves Jesus.  How precious is that when a child says those words, especially a child that is not in church or around Christians.  The Salvation Army must of made an impact on his life while he was there a year ago or so.  I am so thankful for that ministry that is reaching the world for Christ.  He so longs to be here with a family and God has heard his prayers, and is answering those prayers.  I sit in awe of God's awesomeness today.  God knows the heart, and the pureness of our prayers, and that is what reaches the Throne of God.  
We are very thankful today that we sold our 66 Mustang and it only took 2 days to sell!  We got exactly what we needed for our paper work that needs to be mailed off Monday!  Praising God for His continuing Hand that is making all of this happen.  Still praying this will continue to happen quickly and smoothly, for Aloizs.  He told me he waits for me everyday.  
The Child has been waiting on a family for 15 years, I don't want him to wait anymore than he has too.  He told me we are his only family he has and he can't wait to see us again.  
We asking for your help and support, will you be apart of God's plan of answering Aloizs' prayers?

If you would like to be apart of Blessing Aloizs there are several ways to do so,

  • pray, we need your prayers and so does he
  • purchase your Valentines gift from the Bell's by emailing me for details at melaniebell712@gmail.com
  • make a tax deductible donation of any amount to Open Door Adoption Agency, by mailing a check with Tony & Melanie Bell on the memo line of the check

    Payable to:

    An Open Door Charitable Fund
    P.O. Box 4
    Thomasville, GA 31799-1795                                             
  • Or make your donation online at: 
when donating online on the item line: Dedication or Gift(Option) type Tony and Melanie Bell         
  • Every amount helps and adds up!  
Thank you so much for all of you that have been so supportive to our family through this journey so far.  Love you all!  Melanie

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Thanking God for our Loving Aloizs

I have come to a point of change in prayers, instead of "Why God have you done this to me" to "Thank you God for doing this to me"
I wish I could share all of the messages from Aloizs with you but I feel that that would be wrong, it would be blogging his personal feelings.  I don't think I would want someone to do that to me, but I do share one on one sometimes but blogging that seems like a violation of privacy.  But I would love to share just how precious this child is.  I think for so long this loving child has had all of this love bottled up in side with no one to show it to or to love him for it to be released.  I told my kids I think our family loved him and tapped into a spring of love, and Mallory said and then it exploded.  

So I am so thankful for this time of seeing such a loving child have a family to express his love to.  It is absolutely beautiful.  He has even sent messages about how he loves our church. 

Thank you for all of your support and continued prayers.  Specific prayers  for Aloizs protection for his now and peace and Hope in his future.

So here is our rough Timeline of our process:  

  • Get official notification that he is available (done)
  • send in Adoption application (done)
  • passports (done)
  • get approved by the adoption agency
  • Start and finish our home study (approx 1-3 months)
  • approval for international adoption
  • Aloizs saying yes to being apart of our family
  • Scheduling of our first travel date.  We will have to make 3 trips to Latvia.  The first being 3 weeks long,  we will be allowed to bring him back home with us on a special visa 
  • Possible Summer hosting for 5 weeks if our travel for our first trip to Latvia will be later than the summer.
  • Our 2nd trip for 3 days (which Aloizs will travel back to Latvia with us)
  • 3rd trip for a week. (which Aloizs will travel back to Latvia)
  • 4 post placement visits (after 1 month, after 3  months, after 1 year and after 2 years)

So we have a long way to go and a lot more steps that are not listed.  Thank you for your prayers.  We long for that first trip to Latvia.  Love you all!  Melanie

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Getting to know Aloizs even miles away

I am not sure why God has called me to be there for Aloizs?  Sometimes I feel the task is very heavy and other times I feel honored that God has chosen me to reach out to this most precious boy who lives so far away.  Another week has gone by, it is hard to believe he has been gone a week.  I thought with a little time it would get easier, but I am finding it is getting harder. My burden for him gets heavier, I have cried more in the last 5 weeks than I think I have in years.  Those of you that know me, know I am not a cry baby, when in fact I usually try to be the strong one in the group.  I have felt weak through all of this, but now I am starting to see that my tears are not that of weakness but of compassion and love at a new level that I have never been at.  A level that I feel is only God given.  When you are broken for what Breaks God's heart, it is an experience I can't say that I have ever been at. I love children and feel a great call on my life for all children.  But this level is one I have never been at.  
So I daily pour into this most loving and hurting child all hours of the day and night, I feel as though I am weak, but this task is not for the weak, but the strong in Christ.  
I average about 70 messages a day with Aloizs and many are those to reassure him, to help him through his tears and pain.  I get about 4 hours of sleep a night, and spend several hours translating every word he sends me and every word I send him.  While in the mean time keeping up with all of my other many responsibilities of ministry and my children.  I not in no way patting my self on the back, because I am not able to do anything with out Christ.  I felt the need to share my heart, and the reason for my tears.  I also have many of you who are pouring into me that I am thankful for your support that I can lean on you for this time in my life.
To share a little about our Aloizs, He has said to me that God has sent me to him, and he loves God. This means so much to me that he recognizes who is in control.  And gives God the glory.  He continually tells me he loves me in everyone of the many messages a day.  He cries and grieves every night and pours out his heart to me.  Sometimes I wish more of this would of come out when he was here, so I could hug him.  It is so hard to hear how sad and hurt he is and not be able to hug him.  So only through translated words do I try to reach out in love to him.  He said He feels alone in Latvia, and I told him he is not alone, that Jesus is with him in Latvia and he is not alone on this Earth, because he has us, that love him. It must of made him feel better because he finally went to bed at 11:00pm tonight, first time he has been that early since he has been back.  
A week ago while Aloizs was still here during one of my crying closet time melt downs I prayed and asked God why he did this to me?  Not that it is about me, but why God brought him to me...The next morning I woke up to read my devotional and the verse said...
Colossians 1:27 CEV ...(Contemporary English Version) 
(I had been using this version for translating to Aloizs so it was still on this version.)...
27 "God did this because he wanted you Gentiles to understand his wonderful mystery.  And the mystery is that Christ lives in you, and He is your hope of sharing in God's Glory."
So that answered my question, love how God just put that exact scripture to that exact moment. He really is a God of Love.  Through all of this, God is saying Jesus lives in us and is our HOPE, for God's Glory and everything he calls us to do should reflect this.  My eyes have been opened to a whole new level of Faith in God, If we are obedient to Him with our life and seek Him, He can reveal more of who He is.  
So tears of weakness I don't think so, tears of being overwhelmed with God's love and goodness, I think so. I am humbled tonight with God's call.   Love you all!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Process has started

Thank you for your continued prayers.  Aloizs seems to be doing better.  He messages me about 30 times a day, which I am thankful we have the social network in Latvia and that he has computers in the orphanage.  I really don't think he would make it without it.  (and i wouldn't either) He even messages me through the night for me but during school for him.  They have computers in the library at his school.  They are 7 hours ahead in Latvia, so at 12:00am here and 7:00am there he is up ready for school and checking in with me.  He really has to have constant connection or he worries.  He is still so fragile.  Today I meet with a friend for lunch and when I left he had been messaging me and it said "Where are you, why are you not writing me".  He really is precious and very tender, more tender than I knew when he was here.
I talked with the chaperone that lives in his orphanage, she is still here in America, so I thought I would call and talk with her one more time before she leaves.  I told her we really miss him and she said she knows he really misses us, because she has never seen him on the social network so much.  said he use to never get on the computer.  She said now he is on all the time, so I knew he had to be talking with you.  She is also friends with both of us on SN, and it tells who is online.  
She is really sweet and a God sent.  She also said she would take care of him for me and I didn't need to worry about him.  I really appreciate her.  Love how God worked it out for her to be here for me to get to know.
We have got our application for adoption sent in, finally, took longer than I wanted. But I am glad this first step is finished.  We now move to the next step which will cost $4000.  This will be our first big hurdle.  We are trusting God to make a way so this process can move quickly.  
We are taking orders for our "Double Love Bouquets"  candy bouquets for  Valentines day, Showing love to your sweetheart and showing love to our Aloizs.  Pictures and prices to come.  We figured everyone will be purchasing a gift for their loved ones for Valentines why not get your gift from us:)  If you are interested let me know.  
Thank you for your prayers!  We have good moments and not so good moments, but we have Hope.  Love you all! 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Thankful for friends

Tonight my heart is still heavy and I am still not in the best shape, but I am so thankful for the friends God has placed in my life.  I have never needed others like I do now, I am so thankful for all of you that are walking right with me through this.  I can not tell you enough how thankful I am for all of you!!!  
Aloizs still needs your prayers his hard times are from 6pm-11pm his time so that is 11:00am-4:00pm our time.  I really think it might be that it is going into night time, which was when we played our family UNO and then Tony and I would kiss him good night and pray with him.  I think that was his favorite time in our home.  I think the night time was what meant the most to him, so that is when he misses us the most.  He has sent more messages today about wanting to be with us, and the one that gets me the most "I love you with all my heart you're my momma"  He is grieving.  He told me he can't look at the photo album we made him because it makes him too sad.  
With your help and prayers though we can turn this around for this precious boy that so desperately wants a family.  We have had 5 fund raising ideas come in this week!  Thank you all so much!  From singing benefits, to chicken stews, to yard sales, Jewelry parties, and so much more.  You guys are just the best!!  Our first one is one our family will be doing, we are going to be selling Candy Bar Bouquets for Valentines!  It will be "Double Love" fund raiser:) Show love to your special someone and while at the same time showing love to Aloizs, by helping make his dreams come true.  Be looking for more info on how to preorder your bouquet for Valentines:)
Love you all! 

First 2 days apart

Well these first two days have been very hard.  I don't think I have any tears left in my head.  I have heard from Aloizs over 40 times within the last 2 days.  He over and over says he wants to be with us, He loves me with his whole heart and he is sad.  One message said I cry , I cry, I cry because I want to be with you.  It rips my heart out.  Of course I reply to every message, with reassurance that we love him, and that I miss him too.  but I got to the point last night I was very worried about him.  His messages started to scare me that he was grieving himself too much. On our training day there was a man there that spoke he had been an orphan in Russia and he said through his teen years of about 3 years in the orphanage over there he had 11 teens commit suicide in his facility.  So I was so worried,  I sent him a message and said that we are sad we are apart but we need to be happy that we can be together again.  I think that helped, he sent me another message and said he was not crying and was heading to school.  
Please join me in continuing to pray for him.  He is very upset and having a hard time being apart.  Not all of them do this.  If you look at the picture of the group of children in the Germany airport on my fb page most of them are happy...not Aloizs.  I even read a post from a host mom that said her hosted child packed 4 days early she was so excited about going back.  and others said the something. We were told in training, that they get excited about going back because they have been on the coolest vacation ever, and they can't wait to tell each other what they did or what the got.  They go home with new suitcases full of all new things.  But with some like Aloizs, they just want a family, and God puts together something beautiful like he did with us and you just can't live without it.  I grieve and hurt like it is a death and I know he feels the same, it has actually brought me strength to have to lift him up.  To have to say we need to be happy God has brought us together and he will again.  Please pray about how you can help us bring Aloizs back home.  God may have brought me a 6'2" 14 yr old but he is still my new baby that I can't wait to bring back home.  We are starting our fund raising, please help me bring my baby home.  Love you all!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Our most dreaded day, His flight back to Latvia

Well, This was not going to be a good day.  When I got ready I was standing in my room and saw Aloizs walking in the hall looking for me.  As soon as I walked in the kitchen he hugged me real tight.  I knew this was going to be the hardest day of my life and my families life.  We had a 2 hour drive to the airport and had to leave the house at 5:30am. The drive was long and everyone was very quiet in the car.  Morgan wanted to watch a movie but Aloizs didn't.  So we sat in complete silents in the dark.  Every time I turned my head to look at him he would turn his head and look at the window.  Usually when I would turn to look at him he would smile at me, but this morning was a hard one.  When we arrived at the airport he stayed to himself and would pace, especially if I started to tear up.  At the gate we had about an hour and a half to wait for his flight.  It was total misery.  Every time the load speaker would announce the time my eyes would fill up and I would blink them back.  Tony said I was making Aloizs nervous.  He wouldn't sit beside me or make eye contacted.  It was killing me because I only had such a little bit of time to spend with him and he was so distant.  When the plane landed at the gate I felt sick to my stomach, and the kids got real still and nobody was talking.  The flight rep that was flying with him to Chicago came over and talked with us and that is when it got really bad.  I hugged him and he squeezed me tighter than he ever had, we just stood there hugging and I lost it, I couldn't hold it back any longer.  I whispered that I loved him and he nodded his head, then I asked him if he loved me and he nodded his head yes, and when he did Mallory said (cause I couldn't see his face because we where still hugging)  the tears flooded his face.  She said they were dripping off his chin.  When I let him go i saw his face was wet and knew he was crying.  It really upset all of us, we were all crying then.  He hugged the whole family I think 10 times each.  and then he held my hand as we waited for his turn to board the plane.  He was the very last one to board, he stood there as long as he could.  I kissed him on the cheek and wiped his tears and told him I loved him again, while holding his face and made him look at me, he shook his head yes.  He then hugged me one more time and took a deep breath, rolled his eyes (in disgust that he had to go) and walked off from me, he didn't turn back, but walked straight to the entrance to the plane.  We stood there not moving, all of us just stood there as if it wasn't real and he was going to come back out.  But we then walked to the window and watched the plane take off, I felt like I could of died right there.  We finally left and the walk back to the car was so hard.  We rode home in more silents.  When we got home Mallory said now what do we do.  Our family didn't know what to do with ourselves.  Tony said it feels like a death.  We were exhausted from the emotional roll a coaster we have been on.  Everything in our house reminds us of this child.  We are now miserable in our own home.  I went on the social network for Latvia that I set up so I could talk with him when he got back, and I went ahead and left him a message.  I wanted him to have a message so he would have one for when he went on the computer.  So glad I did because the first thing he did when he got to the orphanage was send me a message, after I copied it in the translator and waited for the delay this is what it said "I also love you"  I put a blanket over my head and cried and cried and told Tony I think I am going to die.  That is the first time he has said that, other than the one time he mumbled it under his breath one night.  
I went straight to our group page for those that have hosted and are adopting from Latvia and reached out for help.  I received many comments from lots of friends that I have made on this page, one of them said that when God grafts an adopted child into your heart it is painful, many of them also said it feels like a death, and then one said that it is the grief that drives you to get things done to get them back, and then one said "These kids were in God's hands before you ever knew they existed and knowing them does not change that!"

It is the hardest thing our family has ever done.  God is taking us to another level of faith, and we really need your prayers for the journey we have ahead.  I hope that all of you will continue on this journey with us.  I will continue to blog updates and I hope you all will stay with us.  Please continue to pray for our family for we are sure the testing of our Faith and the strength of our family will come in the months ahead.  Love you all, Melanie

Last weekend with Aloizs

Friday Jan. 11th
It was a simple day at our house, we went shopping again, for something specific Aloizs was wanting to get before he left.  We stayed home most of the day and I fixed tacos, which seemed to be a big favorite he ate 4:)  That night was very precious, when Tony and I went in the room to tell the boys goodnight, I had sat on Aloizs' bed and Tony was sitting on Matthew's bed.  Aloizs leans over to hug me goodnight and when I went to let go I couldn't move.  He held on with his head on my shoulder and laid there with his eyes closed, as though he just wanted to pause there for as long as he could.  We forget but hugs are a vital part of our life, and mean so much.  He knew his time was coming to a close and I told Tony I think kissing them goodnight and praying with him was one of his most favorite things.  I just sat there and waited til he felt he was done holding on, I kissed him on the check and told him goodnight.  Of course as always I went to my room and had me a big ole cry.  He absolutely melts my heart.  We don't think about these things we have them every night, but he puts himself to bed at night, with no hug, no kisses, and no one to pray for him.  and probable never has his entire life.  How special of a moment for all of us to pour into this little boy the love that God has given us for him.
Sat. Jan.12th
I had set out his suitcase and when I went in his room that morning he was already packing.  It was not easy to go in there and help him get all of his things together.  After we finished it was time to go, I had Sidewalk Bible School.  Which for those that don't know that is our Children's ministry we do in the city of Winston Salem on the streets.  We loaded up the car and of course Aloizs was a big help as well as my other 3.  We had a wonderful turn out with around 20 children. I thought it was good for him to see what our family does. We then went out to eat at Stake and Shake, which he loves there fries and ice cream.  He was wanting to make an airbrushed shirt, so I had called Jessica to find us a place and she did at Cook's Flea Market.  After we were done eating we headed over to the airbrush him a shirt.  It had dice rolling with his name on it.  He loved it and was so excited to have it.  He used his money he had gotten from Tony's mom and Dad.  He had to spend it all before he left, they are not allowed to take any money home with them.  That night Margaret and Robert Tony's mom and dad came over to eat with us, and we played bowling on the wii.  When it was time to go to bed Aloizs was very quite and to himself.  It bothered me when we went to his room he sat on the floor with Alex (matthew's dog) instead on the bed beside me.  He also just hugged me real quick and was ready to go to bed.  This was very different than he had been acting at night.  I hugged him several times because it was his last night.  I teared up and didn't want to leave his room.  It was so hard to make myself leave the room knowing it was my last night to tell him good night.  He seemed very distant which made it even harder.  But I understand he was trying to deal with it himself. And once again I headed to bed to do my nightly cry.
I haven't talked a lot about the rest of the family too much, but I wanted to say that I could not be more proud of my 3 children over the last 4 weeks.  They have sacrificed so much to make sure Aloizs has had a good time here.  They have shared everything...parents, home, games, decisions always being what Aloizs wants...and the list goes on.  I know it has been hard on them in every way.  They are some awesome children and love others greatly especially Aloizs.  They have been such a huge part of the caring for Aloizs.  Taking turns entertaining him.  I am so proud of each one of them, and I know God is.  In this blog over the course of 4 weeks, I haven't mentioned everything thing it is just not been possible, but Tony and the kids are just amazing.  This whole journey has been a team effort that we did for God, and with God.  

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Last few days with Aloizs (Thursday Jan. 10)

I am going to back blog starting with Thursday, These last few days have been very difficult, to the point I just couldn't blog at night.  So, I am kinda glad I didn't because even though today was the hardest of them all, it gives me something to do tonight.  
Thursday Aloizs was very excited about this day, he had read on my calendar that Thursday night was Aloizs surprise.  We had asked if we could go back to Airbound again, so he could practice his backflip.  So, we said yes.  He was so excited, he told me it was Aloizs' morning surprise.  We pulled in to the parking lot and the song "Hallelujah" by Mac Powell came on and he likes that song so he wanted to turn it up, and he sang Hallelujah.  It was precious, my whole family froze in the car as he sang this song.  Every time after that when that song came on he would turn it up and sing.  It Blessed my heart! When we got in Airbound he flipped for a solid hour, and completely wore himself out. 
When we got home we had a wonderful surprise visit from our Pastor!  Pastor Stan stopped by to visit and it meant so much to us, loved having him visit and tell Aloizs goodbye.
We then went out to eat for Japanese one more time, but before we left Tony took Aloizs to the car and me and the girls decorated the kitchen table for his Birthday, balloons, anger bird cake, and a big Happy Birthday banner.  When we got home he went up stairs to change and we all waited in the kitchen with the candles lit.  When he walked in the kitchen his whole face lit up!  As he walked to the table he looked down and saw the cake, which was beautifully done and donated by my friend Jeanna and had his name on it.  I think he was overwhelmed at the sight of his cake.  His eyes teared up and he just starred at it.  I went over to him and hugged him, it broke my heart that he was holding back tears.  I am not sure but I don't know that he has ever had a Birthday cake with his name on it.  His response was better than Christmas.  His Birthday isn't until March 1, but we wanted to do that while he was here.  He ask if the cake was special, which means he wanted to know if he could eat some, because he has Celiacs Disease and of course it was made special for him!  He wanted the piece of cake with his name on it.  So happy for him!  Thank you Jeanna!!  
After that we sat down to watch a movie and half way through he stopped watching the movie and got my laptop, and looked at my calendar, laid his head back and blow a big sigh and said 3 more days.  It broke my heart, which was a routine condition for me.
I really felt we needed to talk so after the movie I told him that we were going to talk when the others went to bed.  I told my kids to be ready the other day that that was coming.  So they knew and went on to bed.  I got the translator up on the laptop and told him we really loved him, and he typed He didn't want to go back to Latvia. It killed me on the inside, but I had to hold it together, and I told him we loved him being here.  Well after a little while of talking he got my laptop and typed and after the translating delay something popped up on the screen that melted me...It said "I want you to be my momma" Well I teared up but held the total melt down for later.  I think I was in such shock that the tears were delayed.  We talked a little longer and hugged.  It was a beautiful day that I will never forget.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 24 most important blog yet

I have to admit when I signed up to Host Aloizs in our home for 4 weeks I had know idea what I was in for.  I had a heart for orphans and wanted to help him, but my eyes have been opened to things I was previously unaware of and now I am left with where I go from here now that I know.  Over the course of this I have been in contact with a lot of families that are also hosting children here in America over Christmas, they are those that I have learned so much from.  And now there is no going back.
On the fb group is where I have learned so much that I want to share some with you.  
In Latvian and many of the surrounding countries at the age of 16 the children are what they call "Aged out"  which means the are put out of the orphanage and are allowed to live in a dorm/apartment for orphans that are between the ages of 16-18.  They are given $125 a month to live on, which we all know that is not possible.  They have been living in an orphanage where their meals have been prepared for them and would now have to get their own meals for themselves.  They have never had to pay bills, handle money, do laundry, and all of the many skills we need before we live on our own.  They are given a choice between 3 trades that they can learn in a trade school during these years. Which none pay enough to live on  They are treated as criminals, but have done nothing wrong.  They are just children that have not been loved, but forgotten.  A lady in the group has visited these dorms that they go to when they are aged out and took pictures, here they are:

This is what our Aloizs has to look forward to if he doesn't get adopted.  He turns 15 March 1, and has one more year before this is his future. Only thing though is Aloizs is only in the 6th grade. As if all of this isn't bad enough there is no protection on these children that live here, so of course predators prey on these children that they can take advantage of.  As you now know why I have had such a heavy heart for this precious child that God has placed at our door step.  We have been in much prayer for God's guidance.  God has given us such a love for this child we feel there is a reason God brought him to us. Our family met last night in the middle of the night on my bed, we had a serious family meeting, and are all in agreement to adopt Aloizs, for him to be apart of our family forever.   As most of you know international adoption is a very expensive process and a hard process, in that we will have to make 3 trips to Latvia and one of those we will have to live in Latvia for 3 weeks in an apartment.  We need your help, your support, and your prayers. We trust God will provide and make away, but we are being stretched to a new level of Faith.  We hope you will join us in this journey that God has for Aloizs.  

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 23 With Aloizs

Tuesday of our last week was a fun day! It started off very precious, Aloizs was the first one down this morning well he always is but this time Matthew wasn't with him.  Matthew has been staying up late after Aloizs goes to sleep, He said that was his "me" time, said he feels like he has a baby.lol
But anyway, Aloizs came in the kitchen and gives me a hug and says Good Morning, like he does every morning.  He said he wanted hotdogs to eat...so I cooked him hot dogs:)  Who says you can't have them for breakfast.lol  While I was cooking I opened the dish washer to start unloading it, I turned around and he was helping unload and put dishes away.  It really touched my heart because my laptop was on the table and he could of went and played games on it while he waited.  But instead he helped me.  It made me think how when you don't get love you really appreciate it more.  It made me see that we take each other for granted.   In a family we think well they know I love them, and we don't really help each other unless we are asked to.  But to not be expected to and help  without being asked to means so much! 
Aloizs should me today that we should really do things more than we do for those that we love, and to those that love us. Because when you really feel loved and you appreciate it you don't take it for granted.  Lesson from Aloizs, amazing how he is teaching us without a word.
  We went and picked up his new glasses that were a donation from Dr. Gail and Scott Gordon that live in our neighborhood.  He was just so excited to get his glasses, he has been asking me every day for the past week when we were going to get them.  He doesn't have to wear them all the time just for school or TV.  After we picked them up we went to Mcdonalds and got sundaes with carmel on it cause he loves carmel.  We had to celebrate with ice cream over the glasses!  He said "Go Home?"  I said do you want to go home? He said "No Home"  So I said ok lets go to the mall!
We had a great time walking around the store. Went in the pet store and Matthew fell in love with this puppy, Aloizs told him "Have 4 dogs, no more"  It was so funny.  When we passed the bungey bounce thing in the mall he wanted to do his backflip, so Morgan and him bounced.  (pics on facebook)
When then went to Dick's sporting goods to walk around, and I had the idea to take the camera in and we try to go to each dept., put something on or do something that represents that dept. and take as many pics as we can.  It was really fun to look in each dept. and everyone find something and then take a quick pic.  We keep hearing the loud speaker say,  "security scan section  C"  I think we were the only ones in there too, so I just kept waiting to get thrown out.  Pictures are on my Facebook, it was really fun. 
We called it a day and went home to eat spaghetti, which Aloizs loves.  He ate 2 big plates.  I wonder if he never gets pasta back in Latvia.  I really doubt they get him glutin free pasta.  So that might be why he likes it so good.  Because when I was cooking it he walks over to the box of glutin free pasta and picks it up and says "This mine"  It seems to be a big deal to him.   
We then watched a movie and popped popcorn and he run got his glasses, he was smiling.  Sat down beside me and said "I see good".  Love how much he was talking today.  
When we went to kiss the kids good night, I sat on Morgan's bed and was waiting on her to get her dog, her door was open and across the hall is Aloizs' room and I could hear his helicopter running in his room, tears just flooded my face as I thought in 4 nights that room will be empty and I want hear him laughing, talking and the hum of that helicopter...

Day 22 With Aloizs

Monday of the last week.  We had to go to high point for orientation for our homeschool group.  Aloizs stayed with me the whole day, while the others went around to their classes.  I had to be in my Bible class that I teach there so he stayed with me.  He has gotten where he laughs at me all the time, every time I trip, drop something, spill my pocketbook over, drop my phone between the seats in the car...I am beginning to realize that I think I keep him entertained lol, my children must be more use to it than him.  But every time I turn around he is laughing at me.  Anyway, Monday wasn't any different.
After Orientation we headed all the way home and then back to High Point, for Aloizs to go to High Point Gymnastics.  Jessica set it up for him to have a free class.  He was so excited he told me he wanted to learn to do a backflip before he left, that he had promised a friend in Latvia that while he was in America he would learn to do a backflip.  So when we got there I told them he wanted to learn a backflip.  So the coaches there were very nice and it was a great place.  When we went in he looked in and looked at me and said "This Good" He could not of been happier!!  They worked with him with the class and then one on one, and even at one time he had 2 coaches over with him. They hooked these bungey cords to him and flipped him a couple times and then turned him loose and He did a backflip all by himself.  Mallory and I both almost cried.  He came up smiling from ear to ear.  The rest of the night they worked with him to perfect it and we ended up being there for 2 and half hours.  They were super with him. I hate we couldn't get any pictures of this he was too far away, the Gym is really big. They came to me afterwards and said they really liked him, that he was a sweet kid.  I was so proud of him!  I knew they must of liked him to of worked with him for so long and give him so much attention.  I had dropped Morgan off at dance on the way to High Point and when we got in the car to leave he looked at the clock and "OH Morgan!"  It was so sweet he was worried about her being at dance.  But she wasn't I had Tony's mom pick her up for me.  
After we got home he was so hungry, I think the child ate about 15 chicken nuggets and a can of corn.  He wanted me to tell him all of what the coach said to me, so I shared with him that they thought he had a lot of upper body strength and was a great athlete.  They said they would love for him to come there if he comes back to America.  They also said he was too old to start on their competition team, which I didn't share with him.  I know that would be a dream of his to be on a gymnastics team in America one day.
He is an amazing kid I can't say it enough.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 21 with Aloizs

WOW!  Today was a GREAT Day!  First I would like to say I am so thankful for my church family.  So thankful for the encouraging words today, you guys have Blessed me today.  I took my laptop to church today so I could translate the message for Aloizs, I can't stand him not be able to get anything out of the service.  It was an awesome message today by Pastor Stan on 2013 NO FEAR!  I had to reword add to somethings so he could grab it, or understand, and I feel he really got a lot out of todays message.  To hear that our God is greater than the problems we have, that the enemy lies to us, but we need to trust God with our life and when I typed we need to have more of God in our life in 2013 he shook his head yes, I love it!  I wish I could share everything I typed to him this morning, but I can't  but it was great to use that time to share God with him this morning.  He seemed so happy today, I really feel he was touched and some things were mended.  He even started moving the chairs and putting them up after service.  Love how he is fitting in so well at church, I think he really feels loved there.  
We headed to mooresville today to meet up with other hosted families in NC and SC and all went bowling.  I wasn't sure how that was going to go, There was going to be a lady there that works at his orphanage and other children from Latvia.  She came over with the children as a chaperone and stays in the country til they all go home.  So I wasn't sure if he was going to go off with them and just be all around them the whole time, which would of been ok.  But I just didn't know what to expect when we got around those he could communicate with and knew.  He went up to the lady from his orphanage and spoke and seemed very happy to see her, she was very sweet and younger than I had imagined. We have to call her once a week to check in with her, but I still had her pictured a little older.  She said Aloizs looked so Happy!  And she was so excited to see him, she said she had missed him.  She wanted her picture taken with him.  She seemed to be very nice.  I told her that he was such a joy to have here with us and she said Oh Yes Aloizs sweet boy.  I really felt like he was but it was good to hear her say that.  When we went down to bowl he stayed right with us and never went off to mingle with others or even go talk with Kristine again.  It felt good to know that even though there was those from his country all around he stayed right with us and even when someone would talk with me he would motion at me to watch or come here or high five.  It really was a great feeling.  When we were leaving Kristine told him bye, and she looked at me and said you guys are a beautiful family, and Aloizs smiled and said yes.  It was just precious for him to agree with her and that he thinks we are beautiful:)
We then headed on down closer to charlotte to meet my mom and my Brother and his family for supper.  It was nice to introduce him to my family before he has to leave.  He was pretty quiet by this point it was a big day for him and I know he was tired.  We don't usually stay out that long. 
Well I have to share something that was just too cute at lunch today.  My children will probable choke me for this but it is just to cute.  I was being funny and told him through translator that Matthew was too young for a girlfriend, and Aloizs said Matt No, Mal Yes!  I thought how sweet he showed a little bit of protectiveness over Mal.  Cause I didn't even say anything about Mal.  Love it!!  
On the way home he laid his seat back and shut his eyes I know he was so tired, but of course when we got home we played our "3" games of UNO:)  
Today we now have 1 week left, He flies out Sunday morning.  How many times would you hug your child ina week if they were about to leave you to go half way around the world?  I'm not sure yet but I have a feeling I am going to get on his nerves:)  Already yesterday I went up to him randomly and hugged him and told him I loved him, he giggled and smiled real big and Had a look on his face like "I KNOW"!  I expect this will be the way it will be the rest of this week.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day 20 with Aloizs

Today was a much better day!  He got to go to Salem Gymnastics for free Gym time.  and he was so excited, but then we found out it is really just an all girls gym, but he was ready to get on the bars anyway.  well after a few minutes he cam running to me and showed me his hands, they were bleeding.  His calluses had ripped open, so I got him some band aids.  Well that pretty much shut him down for the bars.  So I went to searching for men's gymnastic centers on my phone when I hear him hollering Melanie across the Gym, and then motioned for me to come here.  He wanted me to stand right in front of him and watch every flip he did in the square foams, so I did.  After every flip he would look up at me and smile.  I guess that eye contact and a smile of approval mean the world to all of us but especially one that don't ever get that.  We came home and ate lunch and he got cleaned up.  We then took Matthew to get a haircut, with a Russian lady, which was great for her to talk with Aloizs about Latvia.  She had just been there not to long ago. She is very nice and offered to help us in anyway she could with him in the future.  
After that we had been invited to a families house for supper.  Which was really super!  We had a great time, and Aloizs did so awesome at meeting friends and playing in the game.  Great for him to be around other families. We were very thankful for them having us over for such a wonderful time.  In all it was a wonderful full day together.  and of course it ended with "3" games of UNO.  He always ask me when we sit down to play if we are going to play 3 games.  It is our nightly tradition for him to close his day with just us playing "3" games of UNO.  What will my family do at night when he leaves:(?

Day 19 with Aloizs

Well it was Friday, which means in the Bell House cleaning day.  So we start our day with everyone cleaning up their rooms and vacuuming.  While I start washing all of the clothes:)  The boys started cleaning their room and when they finished and came down Matthew said Aloizs wanted to vacuum their room.  Matthew said he did a great job and even moved things to vacuum underneath them, which Matthew said he wouldn't of done.  Gotta love honest children:)  We spent the day at home except I had to run to the store for an ingredient I forgot for my Bake potato soup.  Aloizs went with me and the others stayed home.  Aloizs' likes going to the store, and he already knows where the candy isle is in Food Lion.  So we head to the candy isle and he picks out peanut M&M's  my fav!  As soon as we stepped out of the store he opened the bag and leaned over to me to share. As soon as we got home he went in the cabinet to got a bowl and poured out the whole bag to share with everyone.  I really thought that was sweet, cause I probable would of said these are mine:)  No seriously, a lot of the children do hoard food and they told us they might even try to take food to their room.  So I was very impressed that he put them out on table for the whole family.
The rest of the night didn't go as well:(  He was very to himself the rest of the night.  I had it planned that we would go out to the fire pit, roast marshmallows, and I had bought sparklers.  When I had the fire ready outside he said No he didn't want to go out, Morgan ask him again and he said No.  So we went on out and sat around the fire, while he stayed in and played guitar hero and then the drums.  After a while I went back in and ask him again if he would come out, and he kinda rolled his eyes and didn't look very happy and said ok and went and got his coat.  He came out roasted a couple marshmallows lit a sparkler and then got up and went inside.  Me and the kids just sat there and looked at each other, it was the first time we had seen him act like that.  At first I was worried that this was going to be the beginning of the hard week that they had warned us about.  That when you start into the last week that they pull away.  I really can not handle that after such a wonderful time we have been having.  We give him some time and then I went and sat with him, well at first I went behind him and covered his eyes while he was trying to play the video game.  Then I sat down and with my translator I ask him what was wrong? and at first he started a sentence that said something about an accident, but then he backed it out and typed that he just didn't want to go outside.  So I am not sure if it was the fire and something in his past had something to do with an accident of some sort with fire.  So I told him thank you for coming out for a little while, and that we loved him, and we moved on with the night.  It is so hard when you can't get the communication you want so you can help, the short time period that we have together is so hard.  Part of you wants to talk and help, and the other side want to just have fun and give him a great time away from all of that.  So I try to have balance with the serious conversations and having fun.  I so wish we had more time.  I finished the night by asking him if he believed me when I told him I loved him and he smiled and said yes, so in the end that is my goal, for him to know he is loved.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 18 With Aloizs

The God of it all cares for all!
I am Thankful we have a God that cares and Loves each of us so much.  That there isn't a one of us that he cares about more than another.  
Today was a pretty full day, after lunch we went shopping, Aloizs loves to go shopping, he looks around and absorbs everything.  As we were getting into the car to leave he hurries around to the front seat and gets in, I go to grab the the door to open it and it is locked, I looked in the car and he is rolling.  He is such a happy child and loves to pick.  He also loves to change the gear shift from R to D, every time now he will ask me "now" and I'll say yes and he changes it.  A few days ago a car was backing up on us so I blew the horn, now he leans over and blows the horn, He thinks that is so funny.  We were in the Target parking lot and he blows the horn with this car in front of me, and then he laughed...so if you see us going down the street and my horn is blowing just know it is just Aloizs have a blast with the horn.  He enjoys pushing the buggy and then riding on it, he enjoys balancing on parking curbs, walking around and looking in different stores, just everything every where is a joy to him.  
We came home and my mom had sent the kids a big box, they were so excited.  Aloizs I know wasn't sure what  the excitement was about, but he knew they were excited.  They opened the box and it was full of individual wrapped presents.  His eyes got big, and Matthew read the names on the packages and when he said Aloizs, he just smiled so big.  It was so great.  Thanks mom for being so thoughtful.  We translated the card for him and he shook his head and smiled.  It was a great surprise.  After that I was on the phone and had set down for a minute to wait for supper to finish and he came and found me, when I followed him to the kitchen he said "mom" and pointed to the oven, it had beeped.  Such a sweetheart of a child.  
A Friend of mine set up for him to go to gymnastics tonight and he was so excited.  when I told him he took his hand balled up and pulled it back and said "YES!"  That must be universal for children:) When we got there they were only doing floor routines, but he tried and did everything they did.  I asked them if after class if he could show them what he does on the bars, and they let him. They were blowed away.  every bodies mouth dropped.  It was so cool, Matthew said he felt so proud, like "Yeah, he's with me"  lol  He took off on that bar, and did things they had never seen before.  The man said he had some amazing upper body strength.  The two men coaches loved him! Unfortunately, to do  the bar they said he would have to have private lessons which are $25 for 30 minutes, and not to be mean or anything cause I really appreciate how nice they were to him, but it really wont be a lesson...he knows more than they do on the bar, and can do more than they can.  So, it is really just paying for him to do what he loves for 30 minutes.  I so wish I could just find him a bar where he could just be turned loose.  When we were leaving the 2 coaches and the other staff were still talking about how amazing he is.  He had a lot of fun though.  If there is anyone that can help us find him somewhere with a big bar please let me know.  
We then came home and sacked it out and all watched a movie and ate popcorn:) 
I want to thank all of my friends, you guys have been such a Blessing to me and my family. This blog has had over 900 views!  Thank you for All of the texts with scriptures and words of encouragement, the private messages that flood in every day with the sweetest comments, the setting up of gymnastics and soccer opportunities, the invites for dinner, treating us to frozen yogurt, to bringing food over,  financial donations, prayers, and lots of love.  I thank you with my whole heart, all of you are such a treasure to me and I am so thankful to share in this journey together.  Love you all!

Day 17 with Aloizs

It was a good day at the Bell House.  We started with a great morning conversation, I told Aloizs that are family really loved him and that he was very special to us.  We stayed home and enjoyed hanging around the house, til it was time to leave for church.  On the way to church I stopped at Cosco to pick up some pictures.  I had a 5x7 made of each one of the kids to put on our sofa table.  I felt that putting his picture in a frame and putting it out might  be something no one  has ever done for him.  So I will share his response to that later.
At church he gets out of the car and is always so helpful, he helps carry in our things.  He had fun playing with a mic:)  what kid doesn't.  When all the youth got there, they all do so good with him  and he does with them.  Very proud of him in how he just fits right in with our family, jumps in with what ever we are doing.  I had taken my lesson and put it in the translator for him to have a copy of it so he could read what I was teaching.  He sat there and read the whole thing.  and then we played a game which he did great in participating with.  I can't imagine being around a bunch of teens laughing and talking and I didn't understand everything, that has to be hard, but he does so well with it.  When it was time to clean up he jumps right in, even gets my phone and picks it up and puts it in my pocket, He knows I keep it in my right front pocket.  and he has already learned how I loose things. On the way home we stop and get something to eat at Wendy's, and again with the straw paper war.  These little things are going to be the things we miss when he leaves.  
After we got home I checked on his arm which I had been putting cream on today, It is a small patch of red itchy skin. He seems to like me checking on his arm and putting cream and a band aid on it, which made me think that those are the little things a mom does, that he don't have.  Our children take us moms so for granted,  and we took our moms for granted that the little things like a band aid mean so much.  
I know I have said it before but this child has opened my eyes to so much, one being that we worry and stress and stay busy in our lives with what??  nothing really important.  That we should just enjoy each day and that it is a "Good" day just to be alive and have each other.  

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 16 New Years day with Aloiz

New Year's Day!  What a Great New Year already!  Matthew and Aloizs didn't come down til 11:00 or so, I asked Matthew what they were doing and he said they put together a Bionicle (Idon't know how to spell that) that Aloizs got for Christmas.  Loved that great brother time laying on the bed building, what a great time for them.  I appreciate Matthew spending time with him this morning.  We went to Brixx to eat because they have Gluten Free Pizza, and it was a lot of fun, straw paper has become a traditional war when we go eat.  Food was amazing!  We then went bowling today!  Lots of fun!  Aloizs continues to be so amazing and such a blessing.  I grew up with the old saying that what ever you do on New Years Day is how you will spend your year, I sure hope so!!  
I made Chocolate chip cookies tonight, and when I put the two plates of cookies on the table he pointed to the one plate and said "special"  and I said Yes.  I had made him Gluten free cookies, and he took a bite and with a big smile said "GOOD!"  I think he ate at least 5 or 6 cookies.  I am sure they don't make him special chocolate chip cookies back home:(  Every child needs Chocolate chip cookies and a big glass of milk!
Aloizs did have a few times today he seemed very quiet and to himself.  I asked him if he was okay and he said he was fine, but I really think he has a lot on his mind right now.  Tonight we got to talk a little and I found out he has a sister who is 13 years old.  He said she didn't get to come to America because of her bad behavior.  He said she smokes and drinks...tell me how a 13 yr old does that?  They live in such a different world.  I asked him how he got to be so sweet, he just looked at me and smiled with a little laugh.  It breaks my heart that these children are raised in such an atmosphere.  He really is a miracle child.  God has a great plan for this precious boy, to grow up in that and be so sweet.  I am thankful for every minute I get to be with him

Day 15 New Year's eve day

Went to the park today and found him a a bar to flip on.  He was amazing.  He held this for a pretty long time.  It was a lot of fun today at the playground.  Just watching him having fun is such a blessing.  We then went to Sweet Frog for yogurt, and on the way he opens the sun roof and says its hot.  We are having summer in December at the Bell's house.  Outside at the playground, ice cream, sunroof open.  When he left Latvia it was 9 degrees so I am sure 50 degrees feels pretty good.  Jessica and Joshua met us at the playground and he went right up to Jessica and give her a hug it was really sweet.  We went out to eat with Margaret and Robert for supper and he decides to pick on Morgan and take her DSI and run with it, starting to really act like siblings:)  We came home and Robert and Margaret wanted to close out our year with prayer so we joined hands in a circle and had prayer, I am sure he didn't understand a word, but I know he feels the love and sees what family is through this.  Things we take for granted and expect that we will always have.  We are very Blessed here in America, and very Blessed to have family and a home.  2012 was a wonderful year, with lots of wonderful memories with my family, and what a special way to close my 2012 with a wonderful boy from Latvia.  I put on the translator that I was very happy he was with us for New Years, and that I thought that 2013 was going to be a great year.  He smiled real big, and showed Tony what I had said.  It made him so happy for me to say that.  I hugged and kissed each one of these 4 special children that God has blessed us with and told them I loved them, without a single thought I had  hugged him and kissed him on the cheek just as I did my own and didn't realize it until I sat back down, when it hit me I truly love this child like my very own.  
Matthew, Mallory, Aloizs, and I started playing Charades, and there is nothing funnier than playing charades at 1am!  Then in the middle of the game he gets up and moves over to the end of the couch and stares off, I feel like it is starting, those moments when he realizes he has to go back, and time is now going fast.  We are praying that this is not the last time God brings us together with Aloizs, and that is my New Years resolution