Sunday, December 30, 2012

Day 14 With Aloizs

Well I hate to repeat myself but today was another wonderful day with a beautiful child.  We went to church this morning and I was so proud of him and how he went to people and hugged them.  When we sat down I told him he was doing such a great job at greeting people and I was so proud of him.  We had a testimony service and Pastor Stan told me I could get up and share about Aloizs if I would like and I sat there and pondered the idea, but every time I thought of what I would share tears would fill my eyes, and I would get a big lump in my throat so I decided not to share this morning not because God doesn't deserve all the Glory for what He is doing, but I was just not ready, and I would of just cried.  I want a rain check on that and one day would like to do that, but not yet.  We went and eat Mexican and he wanted 2 chicken tacos and french fries, well when I ordered the waiter looked at me funny, and repeated it to me 2 or 3 times.  All I know is that is what he wanted and they just need to make that a new combo.  So he enjoyed his Chicken tacos and french fries. We went to Cosco afterward to pick up some more food...4 children we go a lot:)  and when we walked in his eyes got big and he said "wow, Big", it was his first trip to Cosco.  He had fun walking around and pushing the buggy, which is his job now every time we go to a store.  When we left he pushed the buggy real fast and jumps on it and rides it all the way to the car.  He is always fun!
When we got home Aloizs went and played drums, Morgan took a nap, Mallory laid on the couch, and Matthew was on the computer and the phone.  It was great to hear Matthew trying to talk on the phone with the drums in the background.  I told him welcome to my world:) But something happened during that time that blesses my heart to no ends,  I was trying to tell Matthew something from the family room, Matthew was in our school room and Aloizs was on the other side in our unfinished room playing drums, and I holler for Matthew and he doesn't answer, and then Aloizs stops playing drums and says "Matthew, mom wants you"  I am so glad Aloizs was not in the room with me because I would not of been able to control my face.  It blessed me so much!  We were told to introduce ourselves with our first names, and not to tell them to call us mom and dad, but if they call us that then we let them.  So happy that he feels close enough to me to call me that, instead of Melanie.   Aloizs and I then sat on the couch and looked at more videos of Gimbarr or turnikman-which is some kind of street workout that is real big over in Europe.  we sat there and we watched video after video on my laptop.  He wanted to know if we have anything like this here.  I told him we would go try and find a gymnastic bar tomorrow. maybe at a school playground.  If anyone knows of one please help me out.  He says He loves this sport.  He also would like to go to a gymnastics place and have a lesson or get to use their bar.  If anyone has any connections with that please help me give him his wish in the next couple weeks.  He is so excited about trying to get to go. 
So today was the day I felt was the right time to show my Jesus life story movie, in Latvian, that I found before he came and have been waiting for the right time.  today marks 2 weeks so I felt he now knows us and we have his trust.  We set up the projector and my laptop and showed it on the wall.  When I told him it was in Latvian he was so excited.  He was sitting in front of me and would turn around and smile at me every few minutes.  When it got to the part that Jesus raises the little girl from the dead, he turned around and looked at me and said "Jesus" I couldn't tell if that was a question or he was telling me so I just said yes.  He was glued to the movie.  When they brought out the nails he said out loud "uh oh"  He was so into the whole movie.  It was priceless!  I am so thankful for this website that has this movie in every language what a ministry!  When it was over he said "That Good" I asked him had he ever seen that and he said no.  I know he said he had heard of Jesus, but I don't think he knew all of that.  I told him that all of that was true from the Bible, and he shook his head yes.  I pray that what was planted tonight will grow, and he will know Jesus as Lord.  It was so precious.  He then of course wanted to play UNO, which is our nightly tradition.  We have so much fun with it though, he is just as competitive as we are.  I think we have played more UNO in the last 2 weeks than we have played total in all the years my children have been playing.:)
We went to put the kids to bed and Tony and I went in to pray with Aloizs and Matthew, and when we were done, Tony went out and Morgan came in to get Bailey.  Well Aloizs was picking on her and told her "No, his dog", 'Bailey stay"  and he was holding him tight and she couldn't get him.  I was holding my Mia and some plastic to put in the trash.  Morgan said mom help me, so I put my Mia down and the trash and said well we will just have to double team him and I turned around to walk towards him and the look of horror was on that childs face like I have never seen on anyone.  He didn't understand what I said, and he didn't see my face he just saw that I put my stuff down and he thought he was in trouble.  It broke my heart, but I held it together, and told Morgan to get one arm and we tried to pull his arms apart and then we started tickling him and finally got Bailey free.  I then hugged him good night and told him that I love him.  Morgan saw it and even noticed it and made a comment about it when we got to her room.  When I got to my room I lost it and cried so hard, the thoughts of the reason that that child would have a look like that, rips my heart out.  I have never seen such fear on a face in all of my life, I am not sure what has happened in his past to make him look like that, but it couldn't of been good.   That face is forever in bedded in my mind.  Please pray for our precious Aloizs

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Day 13 With Aloiz

Well after a very long cry last night, I wake up this morning asking God for His strengthen and direction.  I ask God to carry me, and help me know what to say and when.  Well at breakfast it ended up being just me and Aloiz, when we started eating I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest.  Kinda like when you are going to share the Gospel, You feel it is the right moment but you don't want to mess it up, cause you may only have that one chance at that open door.  Except with this conversation I have to type everything and depend on Google translate to say what I mean, which it doesn't always do.  I was so scared to say the wrong thing, so I thought ok here it goes God, I got my laptop and started talking with him...I started with pictures of Riga, Latvia that had been posted. We talked about them for awhile.  Then I asked him if He would ever like to live in America? and he smiled real big and said yes.  So I told him I had heard that he was asked to be adopted before and he  said no, could he tell me why?  and he said that the lady laughed at him.  I asked why she would laugh at him? and he said she would make him say words in English and then laugh at him.  It made me so mad, but I held it in and said I was sorry she had treated him that way.  People absolutely kill me!  But I want go off on that right now.  We went on in talking and he also said they were boring, so I asked him if he thought we were boring and he smiled at me and said NO, I thought good cause that would of been a first. lol  I went in to share a little about my childhood and a little about my dad.  I let him know I did not grow up in a family like this, but I prayed for a family and God give me one.  I wanted him to know that he doesn't have to hide his life or what he has been through from us.  (I didn't say that but that is the reason for my sharing)  That he doesn't have to be perfect for us.  God has always laid it on my heart to us my childhood to help other children and so that is what I tried to do.  It wasn't long, I wish our time hadn't been cut short, but the family came walking in, so I finished there.  I really feel it was a special moment of sharing.  I think both of us feel a little better.  I pray for more of those special moments with Aloizs.  He is so special to us.  Thank you for all of your prayers we need them!  I'll share more of what is going on in our family conversations and more of the reason for my melt down in tears when the time comes.  I love you all thank you so much for sharing in this time of our life with us.  It means so much to me when I talk to some of you and you tell me you read this blog.  Good night I rest a little easier tonight 

Friday, December 28, 2012

Day 12 With Aloiz

Today was really just a quit kind of day.  We hung out around the house this morning, Matthew spent some time with him showing him the drums and letting him play for a little awhile.  I think he really enjoyed that.  This afternoon we went out and did some more shopping and he got a hat and some shoe strings.  I think he really likes to walk around and shop.  We then went to Adventure Landing and played in the arcade for awhile, which was fun, and then ate at Taco Bell.  I am just going to be real honest here and tell you guys my heart...I DO NOT want to see this child leave!  I wish there was something I could do about that and he just stay!  I couldn't love a child anymore than I love this one!  He is such a joy and is absolutely precious.  I ask today that you would start praying for me, cause when this child leaves in 2 weeks I don't think I am going to be in very good shape:(  Not really able to write a lot tonight for thinking about it already.  Sorry guys, maybe tomorrow I will be in better shape.  

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Day 11 With Aloizs

Today was a lot of fun, we started our day being around the house, Tony trimmed some trees and Aloizs and I went for  a bike ride.  It was really nice out side and it give Tony time to get some work done and my kids some time to take showers and get ready. 
Aloizs had been showing me some youtube videos about parkour. So it looked like airbound to me without the trampolines, so I showed him videos of Airbound and he was so excited he asked if we could go, so we took him there this afternoon and they had a great time.  He is 6'2" and you should of seen him flipping in the air!  Aloizs, Matthew, and Morgan had a blast there!  Tony, Mallory and myself enjoyed taking video/pics and watching.  every time he would do something he would turn around to make sure we were watching.  He absolutely loved that place.  We can home and I made spaghetti which he loved!  and puts ranch on it like Mallory:)  We then played a game of charades, teams were Tony/Morgan, Me/Aloizs, and Mallory/Matthew (we love being even) It was so fun, he loved it, of course he and I had to use the translator to guess but we held our own and came in second.  We ended our night with popcorn and a superman movie, thats just America:)  He really enjoyed the movie, I don't think he had ever seen or heard of Superman, just Batman.  So that was day 11, another special day with an incredible boy.
   I wanted to share some insight into my comments in the past on his great progress of doing the little things that are really a big deal.  I got to thinking and thought there may be  a lot of you that might not understand when I say things about him hugging or touching or eye contact.   In our training we were told that they may not hug, or could shy away from a small touch.  On our training day one exercise was to hug a complete stranger that doesn't hug back, it was very uncomfortable.  I mean a 2 arm full hug like you would give a very close relative.  We did this training because they wanted us to hug our host child like they were a close relative even when they did not hug us back.  They wanted them to fill loved and learn to hug.  They also told us a lot of the time they do not make eye contact because they are not custom to being comfortable to do that.  Many are treated as unwanted or unloved outcast.   There country treats orphans a lot different than they  are treated here in America.  So for him to be connected with us and at the comfortable level that he is at is such a special thing.  It makes me so happy to see him responding to the fact that he is loved.  There are about 220 children from different Orphanages in Latvia and Ukraine, and all of the host families are in a Facebook group.  Today I was reading a post from one of the host families and it said that their host child started crying and they ask her what was wrong and she said she was not use to having so much, that what she has been given since she has been here is more than she has had here entire life, she said she has never felted  loved before and it makes her eyes leak.  It breaks my heart to think that children hurt that bad, and need love that much.  I am so thankful for what God is doing in these children's lives.  He loves the children so much and hears their prayers.   

  1. [ Jesus Blesses Little Children ] Then little children were brought to Him that He might put His hands on them and pray, but the disciples rebuked them.
  2. Matthew 19:14
  3. But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

Please pray for Aloizs today that what ever he has been through that he might learn that Jesus loves him and wants to mend that hurt and replace it with love.  We don't know how he ended up at the Orphanage or anything about his parents or even how long he has been there, but I know Jesus knows and can take care of it all.  We are so blessed, and we don't even realize it, thankful for this eye opening that God is doing our life.  So glad to be in His Will, being His hands and Feet, I feel so unworthy to do so.  This is definitely a humbling experience.  But isn't that the way it is that the closer we get to God the more we see our incompleteness without HIM.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day 10 With Aloiz

For Christmas from Tony's Mom and Dad gave Aloiz and my children all got money in a card, so they all wanted to go shopping today:/  The mall was crazy busy!  But Aloiz didn't know what a mall was, and I am sorry, I couldn't handle that!  Everyone needs to of been shopping at the mall:)  So we endured the crowd for the sake of education. lol.  It was a lot of fun though, he picked out a pair of "RED" shoes, I repeat "RED" shoes, please if you see us out, beware!  What do you say, I said are you sure?  You want to look at other stores?  He said "No These"  so he buys RED vans and he is happy.  I will have to save our lesson in fashion for another day, I told myself baby steps.:)
After a long time walking around the mall we decided to go eat, I asked him if he had ever had Japanese?  and he said No, I ask him if he would like to try it, and I got a Yes, I was so excited.  I love Mexican and Japanese food, and we already cleared the Mexican food.  I ordered for him, Hibachi chicken and mixed veggies, and he loved it!!  YaY!  I think it is so awesome that he was willing to try something he had never had before.  I even got him some chop sticks and he and I  ate a bit with those. so very cool!
We got Aloiz a stuffed animal with an audio devise in it that tell the story of Jesus in Latvian and Russian, and it is solar powered and will never need batteries. It is absolutely the coolest ministry tool I have ever seen.  Well last night Matthew stayed up late with Andrew on the computer, and he said when he went to bed Aloiz was already asleep and was holding it and had fell asleep while it was playing.  so he reached over and turned it off for him.  Love that so much!  Tonight when I was walking out of his room I heard it playing.  So precious that he is listening to this amazing tool of the Gospel.  
Every night I hug him goodnight and tell him I love him and tonight for the first time he said it back real softly.  Totally has made my night!  

Day 9 Christmas day with Aloiz

Christmas Day
What an exciting time with family.  Aloiz as well as the others were all smiles as they entered the room with presents wrapped under the lit tree.  They came down about 7am ready for the presents.  Aloiz was so happy to see all of his gifts all stacked together.  He started opening one by one and was very appreciative for each one.  We got him a pair of brown shoes and he kept picking them up and telling me he liked them, with a big smile.  Mallory got her Justin Beiber tickets and started crying, we had to use the translator real quick with that, cause I know he didn't understand why we give her something that made her cry like that:)  It was so fun to watch those 4 children having such a happy time under the tree.  They each were so thankful and loved everything they got.  We then had breakfast, eggs and sausage.  afterwards we opened packages and putting in batteries and more fun began.  Christmas dinner was so good Margaret and I team up pretty good:)  After lunch we went bike riding and enjoyed being outside for a while.  Then came the Christmas photos thats always a challenge, there isn't much that is funnier than Tony setting the timer on the camera and it starts blinking and Aloiz yelling "GO!, GO!" and Tony running to get in the picture.  It is a wonder we every got a good picture.  Morgan and Aloiz came in and played the Anger birds board game and had lots of fun while I cleaned and Matthew got to spend some time with his new Turtle Beaches.   As the night came we thought we were settling down to do Wii sports when I get a phone call from Chrisana and Otis that they are on their way to see us.  with Jasmine and Byron.  I told Aloiz that they were coming, and he seemed okay.  When they got there he went right up to them and greeted them.  It was so cool to have them come by, Aloiz really enjoyed them.  They beatboxed and freestyled for Aloiz cause I told them he likes that.  Aloiz may not of understood every word but he was rolling!  As well as all of us in the room.  Those two are just so funny together. Of course I know Matthew was loving it, brings back great memories for him.  Otis then said lets play a family game, "Mom, whats one of those old games we use to play, how about the HA Game"  so we then broke out in one of our old games of "HA".  So I translated how to play and Aloiz loved it, he participated and it was so funny!  When they had to leave Aloiz went up to each one of them and hugged them bye.  It was really precious, I was so proud of him.  And it was so special to have those guys come by and see me on Christmas!  It was just a very special time with some awesome kids!  Aloiz then wanted to play a game of UNO, even though he was tired and it was late...I think thats how after having been with other people that he brings it back to just us again.  Cause every time with have been with others either at home or out he wants to end our night with UNO, even though I know he is so tired.  We ended up staying up until 12:00 playing UNO!  It really was a great Christmas day!! I am very thankful to God for bringing all of these kiddos together to make a such a wonderful family.  
Here are Some special moments with Aloiz
I was raised that you did not go into someones refrigerator, that was a big rule in my house except for family.  I have noticed that Aloiz now will open the refrigerator and fix himself something to drink, I love me it shows feeling apart of this family.  I also look at laying on the couch as a family thing, Christmas I noticed when Morgan and I started building Legos on the floor he laid over on the couch and watched men's olympics on youtube on my phone, he had never seen the Olympics before. A little story goes with that,  the other day He wanted to show me street workouts in Latvia, so he got my phone and was showing me videos of these guys that spin on these bars in the city, it was quite amazing, I told him they look like the men in the Olympics.  Christmas he asked me about the Olympics, so I showed him the men's Gymnastics from 2012, and he said he had never seen that.  He laid there mesmerized by it.  He loves that sort of stuff.  But back to my list of special moments of noticing him being comfortable with the family, I have one more...touching, in a family you sit closer on the couch, you lean on each other to look at stuff, you  don't mind if your hands touch when handing a phone back,  Well all of that may sound dumb but it is things that we don't realize we do with our family because we are comfortable with them, and it is great to see Aloiz doing these small things and being comfortable with them.  Love how he will be on the couch and lean over on me or Tony to look at something we are doing, or one night picking on Matthew we took his phone at the table, and Aloiz and I were passing the phone back and forth under the table.  or how he will tap on Tony's shoulder and act like it wasn't him.  Loving this second week where the walls come down and the comfort level goes up.  

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Day 8 with Aloiz

Christmas Eve with our host son Aloiz!  What an awesome day, Aloiz, Morgan and I got and went grocery shopping, I hate to admit this but with everything going on I had not bought Christmas Dinner or baked and cookies.  So we went shopping, he loves to push the buggy and when you check out he loves to take all of the groceries out of the cart.  He loves to help!  We get home and it is raining, so I called Matthew to come help with the groceries and he said he just got out of the shower, he would get dressed and be out.  Well we come in with a few bags and Aloiz heads back out to get more bags, when he comes back in I said Matthew is coming to help with the bags and I turned around and he was gone back out the door, I looked out our glass front doors and he was running up the walkway, in a few minutes he came flying back in the kitchen with all of the bags and said thats all with a big smile on his face!  He was hurrying to bring in all of the groceries.
When then made rice krispy treats adn cookies.  All of the kids had a great time with the cookies!  What a mess-4 kids decorating cookies! We then went to the school room and painted a ceramic nativity set. It was then time for supper and Tony to come home, after we ate (and boy did Aloiz eat!)  Tony read the Christmas story and we opened one present like we always do, he was very excited!  We then put them to bed and we started wrapping, and wrapping and wrapping.  It was fun preparing Christmas for 4 children.  We finally call it a night about 1:30 (thats why I didn't blog)  It was a wonderful Christmas day!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Day 6 & 7

Well sorry about not blogging yesterday my day went long:)  So be prepared for a long blog today...
Day 6
Tony and Aloiz started their day by going out to the hardware store together, to get a part for the Go Cart and then all 3 of the boys worked on the Go Cart most of the day trying to get it running.  but with all of their efforts that didn't ever happen.  Meanwhile, me and the girls went and did some Christmas shopping for Aloiz:)  and We had a great time, I so hope he likes everything we got him.  When we all came back together, we decided to go to the movies and see "Monsters inc 3D"  Aloiz's choice.  When we get to the movies we asked him what he wanted to drink, he pointed to Cherry Coke...boy after my own heart.  (thats my fav)  He had a blast and laughed his head off!  Not to mention he eats popcorn like me and Matthew:)  That was too funny.  It was a great Saturday.  
Day 7
I can't believe it has been a week already!  Aloiz's first time to church with us, so I prepared him with some info on the Tony would sit at the computer, Matthew plays the drums, Mallory would be in the nursery.  So when we get there he seems to be very excited gets out of the car quick and heads in.  While sitting there early during praise band practice, I was fixing the safety kiddo candles.  I couldn't get the battery in and was fighting with them, he reaches over and started working with them.  Most of them were broke and I couldn't figure out why, he takes them apart and starts fixing each one gets all of them to work.  Just love how he just jumps in and starts doing things to help.  He did an excellent job during meet and greet, he went around shaking hands, I turned around and he wasn't even behind me, he was off shaking hands.  Loved it!  During the music a couple of times I heard him singing, what a blessing.  One of the kids during the candle light service couldn't get their candle to work so they turned around and handed it to him, not me:)  he took it apart and fixed it and handed it back.  again, sounds so simple but is huge interaction with others.  He loved the treat bags as soon as we got in the car he ate a snickers bar.  He was so excited over that.  We then headed over to Tony's family get together, and again he was great a little more quiet but over all did very well.  A couple of days again Tony pointed to Aloiz's shirt and when he looked down Tony hit him in the face.  Well today Aloiz did it back to Tony and then started laughing.  I love how he has our sense of humor. When we were leaving the family gathering we saw horses, he was so excited over that he grabs my phone out of my hand and starts taking pictures of the horses, then when he petted them I took his picture, not sure if he has ever seen or petted one before but he was so happy about it.   Tonight was a blast!  We decided to play Just Dance on the Wii, well he jumps up with us and dances and laughs right along with us, it was just sooo funny, I was crying.    Well being that it is our one week mark I had to fill out a Week 1 report and send it in, He was sitting beside me and I came to the question was there anything that he dislikes about his stay, so I put it in the translator to ask him and he said "No", "It Good", "Very Good"  It made me smile!  So glad he thinks his stay is Very Good:)
Reflecting on the first week
God has brought a boy from half way around the world to our home, a complete stranger that doesn't even speak our language to stay with us in our home 24/7, and it has to be the most incredible thing the Bell's have ever experienced.  God has given us a love for Aloiz that seems as though he has always been apart of us.  We all adore this child.  God has a plan for all of this and I think we are just touching the surface.  Over the week the Bell's will meet and talk when Aloiz is asleep,  some of these talks of remembering the laughs of the day, some are precious sweet moments that remind us that he doesn't have a home or a family, Matthew said every morning he wakes up and sits on the side of the bed, and tells Matthew good morning, then he opens the blinds and looks out and says "Sun", "Its Good Day", and he takes a shower, and makes his bed, eager to start every day., I put an evangy cube on his bedside table, Matthew said he picks it up and looks at it every morning and every night, I am waiting for the right moment to walk him through the cube and talk about the life of Jesus and ask if he has ask him into his heart.  Praying for just the right moment.  One night I got to thinking about how he is so good at everything, he strives to be perfect, and it broke my heart, what he is doing, is working so hard for perfection, so he will have a place to be loved and excepted, so First thing Saturday morning when he came to the table I typed on the translator, that I think you are so awesome, it is great that you are so good at air hockey, basketball, UNO, and everything else you touch, but that is not why I love you, I love you because you are sweet and good hearted, I love you for you.  and I waited for him to read it and he looked up at me with a BIG smile and said "Ok".  So thankful for God's insight in caring for this fragile child.  So as this first week comes to a close I have to say I think we have made one step closer to our Heavenly Father, we have seen Him work not only in Aloiz's life but in ours.  

Friday, December 21, 2012

Day 5 With Aloiz

Well today was a great day of "life with the real Bells":)  It started with loading drums, and unloading drums, Big part of our life, Aloiz jumped right in and carried his share.  He got to hear Matthew's band play today.  He even went out to eat with the band.  which was spontaneous, which the Bells are.  We found out that he likes Mexican!!  Thats good news, another Big part of the Bells.  We came home and made sock puppets, and played the Wii.  and of course Aloiz beats us at everything.  It was so sweet though he got up and helped Morgan golf.  He loves the dogs I even saw him kiss Bailey on the head today.  Tonight Matthew and Mallory had a party to go to, when we dropped them off Aloiz hugged then bye.   Tony, Me, Aloiz and Morgan went ice skating, that child took off on the ice, he was in his element!!  He flew around weaving around people, helping little girls up who had falling.  Then he came flying past Morgan and grabbed each of her hands a took off with her, it was just too cute.  we took a break while they redid the floor, and Tony got us a drink and a popcorn, and he loves popcorn!  Another biggy for the Bells.  He was just awesome at the Ice skating rink he smiled the entire time we were there.  As soon as they opened the door to reopen the ice.  Tony said look, Aloiz had gotten in the front,  bust out and was the first one on the ice and took off across the ice all by himself wide open.  Tony and I was standing at the glass talking and he came by and slammed into the glass and scared me, and went off laughing.  Then he came by the glass again and I put my hands up on the glass so he put his against mine on the glass.  Sounds simple but really very special. WE Had an absolute blast with him tonight.  He had rode up front with me in the car on the way to the ice skating and when we went in to get Matthew and Mallory he went in with me, so when we came back out he went to the front seat, and after he jumped in the car he turned around and smiled at the other 3.  another cute moment.  On the way home I ask if anyone was hungry they all said yes, so I said well when we get home we will eat something at 11:00pm, He started laughing (that we would eat at 11)  So I cooked hotdogs and we sat around the table at 11 and eat, another thing that can happen in the Bell household:)  So Today was a great adventure for Aloiz,  just a peak at how the Bell family really roll.  And He did amazing with it all!  

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Day 4 With Aloiz

Their is always so much I could say about our day but I try not to make it too long.  So I'll hit the high lights.  Aloiz and I had a morning breakfast just the 2 of us.  Matthew decided to go take a long shower to give me some time with Aloiz.  (Matthew's idea)  So at breakfast I asked him about coming to America before and he said he had been here 1 time before.  Today I felt it was getting closer to him being able to open up to me, so I asked him if  he had heard of Jesus,  and he said yes.  I asked if he learned about him in America and he said no, in Latvia.  I asked him if he heard of Jesus from the Salvation Army in Latvia and he said yes.  I had read that he spent some time at the Salvation Army.  Salvation Army is a super ministry.  I am glad to hear that he has already heard of Jesus, I look forward to having more conversations about the Bible.  He and I then had a great game of Air Hockey, which he is just about undefeated at our house:)  He has amazing hand eye coordination.
We pretty much hung out around the house in the am, we watch Mr. Bean which we all find very funny.  Aloiz has our sense of humor.  He fits in with our family so much it is amazing. He had his eye doctor's appointment today, and guess what He needed glasses, just like all 5 of the Bells.  He just had a slight prescription needed,  and the eye doctor's in our neighborhood, Scott and Gail Gordon provided him with his exam and let him pick out any pair of glasses he wanted.  Scott did a great job with the exam and the 2 of them were just super sweet to Aloiz today,  Very thankful for them both!  So glad to have these Doctor's that are so willing to provide his dental and eye care.  Aloiz seemed so happy to be being taken care of.  
I was a little nervous about fixing supper tonight, it was the first time I had cooked a full meal since he has been here.  I made BBQ Chicken, corn, mashed potatoes, broccoli, and I put it all in the center of the table.  His face lit up and he started fixing his plate, and that child ate 3 or 4 helpings of it all.  It made my night!  It is the most I have seen him eat since he has been here.  He is so skinny I don't know where he put it all.  After Supper we started a game of  Monopoly, and Tony come home from work, Aloiz gets right up from the table and throws his arms around Tony and gives him a hug, he was so happy to see him.  It was so precious, I think he missed Tony today.  I love how he is really starting to open up more today, he is laughing out loud, saying words (we love to hear his voice) , calling the dogs by name, and helped clean the kitchen with the other kids.
We count it a blessing every day we get to spend with Aloiz.  I look forward to tomorrow and what it holds.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Day 3 with Aloiz

It was another wonderful day with a child that is nothing short of a miracle.  The lady at the dentist office asked me how I found out about hosting children from Latvia and Aloiz, and it reminded me of just that. I told her his picture came up on my Facebook.  From that moment God's hand has strategically  placed Aloiz with us...So now seeing him with our family I can see why, he is an absolute joy in the Bell house. We are not only meant to touch his life but he is touching ours as well.   I thought our family was close before Aloiz but with him here we are spending even more quality time together, never thought that could be possible.  I guess he reminds us of the little things in life that are important.  Its the uno games, glow sticks in the car, popping bubble gum and seeing who is the loudest, standing in the yard in a circle and kicking a  soccer ball to each other, going on long walks, getting an Icee, and the list goes on.  He brings the little things back to our family that are really the BIG things.  So as you read todays blog I hope Aloiz also brings these things back to your family. 
Also today Aloiz got to meet HEIS, the Best group of teens you could ever meet!  They did a great job at getting to know him and making him feel apart. I was so proud of them.  Aloiz also did very good tonight, he ate better today than he has, he talked and laughed with all of the Youth, which was a big step.  
It was great that Will and Thomas had an eye appointment today that they talked about, that was good for Aloiz to hear about, since his is tomorrow.  Aloiz did a great job at the dentist today, he told me he wasn't afraid:)  He was great, that has to be scary in another country where you don't understand everything around you.  But Dr. Virtue and his staff  were very nice, they cleaned his teeth and fixed 3 small cavities all as a donation to Aloiz.  Very thank for some amazing people!  God is good and His plans are always Amazing, I am so loving his plan for the Bell's right now!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Day 2 With Aloiz

Day 2 Started off amazing.  Matthew and Aloiz walk into the kitchen, Matthew hugs me good morning, and then Aloiz walks over to me and hugs me too.  It made my day:)  That is a huge deal for day 2.  Very glad he is feeling comfortable around us, even Tony is getting hugs from him. Todays adventure consisted of decorating gingerbread houses, playing basketball, soccer, riding bikes, going for a walk to the river, swinging, climbing on this hay bail, tanglewwood lights, cookout milkshake and then end with a few games of UNO. We all are truly enjoying having him he fits in with us very well.  Keep him in your prayers on Wed.  He has a Dentist appointment, and he will be eating with the youth group at Golden Corral.  He still gets real quiet and acts nervous around others.  Tomorrow will be a big day for him, being with a lot of people besides just us.  I still can't believe the picture of the boy on my fb is actually here with us,  all day I kept looking at him thinking I just can't believe it.  He adds something special to our family thats hard to even put into words.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Day 1 With Aloiz

Today was an amazing first day!  It started with a text from Matthew that said Aloiz woke up and looked at him and said "Good Morning".  I know that was so cool for Matthew.  He got up made his bed, took a shower and came down for breakfast with the family.  I asked him if he felt up to shopping today and he said "Yes".  All of the clothes that had been given to us for him were way too small.  So we all went to Kohl's, and it was a lot of fun helping him pick out a few outfits.  We then headed to Walmart and we let him pick out some snacks, one time I turned around and thought Tony was pushing the buggy and it was Aloiz, he looked at me and grinned real big.  Something so small is really so big.  I think it made him feel apart of the family, he pushed the buggy the entire time we were there, and truly enjoyed it.   After this we meet Margaret and Robert (Tony's mom and dad) at Golden Corral.  We wanted to see what kind of foods he seemed to like the most.  He eats very healthy do to his Celiacs Disease.  He ate salad, tomatoes, corn and then we got him to try a rice krispy treat and cotton candy for the first time and he loved them both.  We came home and Matthew and him played air hockey which he is very good at and loves!  We then put the Christmas tree up together, which really brought tears to my eyes.  He was so helpful, he helped Matthew put the sections of the tree together and then we put ornaments on the tree, he was very involved.  We then played a game of uno, which he really had fun with, it was a great time of laughing and picking.  You know Game time at the Bell's, he is just as competitive as we are:) We ended our day with a movie, Madagascar 3, which is sooo funny. Aloiz went to bed again tonight at 8:30 and my children followed.   It was a full day that couldn't of been more perfect.  Aloiz is a very precious young boy in a tall body, he is so eager to please and do everything right, I feel this is a way of life for him to be excepted.  I'm glad he is so well mannered but it also makes me a little sad, cause what has this child been through, in that he thinks he has to do everything perfect for others to love and except him.
 Early this morning  God laid it on my heart about the "Starfish" the boy in the poem was trowing them back in the ocean, making a difference in each one.  But God opened my mind to the fact that some starfish are hurt more than others, even broken.  And they have to be scooped up gently and carried back to the ocean.  and as you carry them ever so gently the waves can sometimes knock you down, and even cause the starfish to fall out of your hands.  With these particular starfish they are fragile and have to be cared for and carried a little slower.  So that in this transition back they are not broken or harmed anymore than what they already are.  As I think of this new spin on this so touching poem, it makes me realize that this is something only God can help me do.  and that when that day comes that you hand that starfish back, that God can mend and heal this fragile little starfish that has been placed in our care.  Praying for the day that this most precious child makes it to the Heavenly Father and receives his healing and salvation.  Love you All, Melanie

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Well what a day!  We got up fairly early and finished things around the house.  We gathered any paper work needed for the Airport, Aloiz's Pillow Pet and we headed to Raleigh.  Because Aloiz was the only child flying to Raleigh he didn't have the normal Chaperone he was flying with a flight attendant from Chicago.  This flight attendant had to get right back on the same plane, so they told us we were going to have to get a gate pass to go to the gate and get him from the flight attendant.  So when we arrive at the ticket desk, the lady will only give us 2 passes to go to the gate:( so Matthew and I had to leave the girls and go through security and wait at the gate.  1 hour seemed like 20!  we waited, and the closer the time came the more nervous we got...then we saw the plane lights coming to park, and we looked at each other, and I said we can do this.  Matthew said he had never been that nervous before.  Hey also said well I am finally getting the brother I always wanted.  Right on time Aloiz and the flight attendant get off the plane and our mouths dropped...he is soooo tall.  but just as cute as he can be.  We walked up to them and they checked my ID.  We hugged him and he hugged back.  We give him his pillow pet and headed back to meet the rest of the Bells.  He hugged the girls and Tony and we took a picture.  It was a long 3 hours in the car.  They watched a muppet movie.  You can't go wrong with that:)  We used the phones to communicate, but for the most part we just let him rest.  My children were just so thoughtful tonight, they had brought their pillow pets in the car and showed him how to open them up for a pillow and all laid their heads over and rested.  When we got home, we had hardly stepped foot in the door and he pulled out presents to give us.  He give us these 2 bunnies he had made and a box of chocolates from his city Rigi.  He smiled from ear to ear.  We loved on him and told him thank you.  It was just the sweetest thing I think I have ever seen.  We then set down at the table with him while he ate a snack before bed (banana).  He was so tired.  We tucked our boys and give them hugs in Aloiz's room cause Matthew wanted to stay in the other twin bed beside him so he wouldn't be by himself, we haven't tucked Matthew in at 8:30pm in I don't know how long.  So precious that he would go to bed that early:)  So we look forward to what tomorrow holds.  Sleep tight, the Bell's are going to bed early.  Love you All!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

3 More days til Aloiz comes

Our family is so excited to be Hosting a child from Latvia over Christmas for 4 weeks.  I first saw Aloiz's picture on Facebook on October 12th.  I had never heard of New Horizons for Children before. When I saw his picture it got my attention and I stayed up late that night looking at the New Horizons website.  We started discussing and praying as a family each day after that.  All of our children were for this 100%.  I was so proud of them and their excitement level to share their Christmas and their Christmas break with a child that they didn't know.  That was just the beginning of this amazing journey that God has us on.  I will have to share pieces of this adventure a little at a time.  But for now let me say our Faith and trust in God has grown with each day since Oct. 12th.  Our focus, desires, thoughts, and prayers have all changed because of this one boys picture.

One Starfish at a Time

 There is a well known poem about an old man who found a boy throwing washed up starfish back into the ocean. He continuously bends down to pick up another starfish one at a time to throw them back to safety in the sea. The old man asks the boy why he is bothering to do this. There are so many starfish along miles and miles of beach! Surely the boy does not think he can possibly make a difference! The boy quietly throws another starfish into the water and replies, “It made a difference for that one.” 
Our Family's mission is to help as many people in our lifetime as we can especially children.  
This is our journey of being available and asking God to make us able. This is the story of how God used a photo of a boy to change everything. This is proof Miracles still happen and you can see them if you pay attention.