Thursday, August 29, 2013

home a month

We have now been home a month.  I have missed sharing every moment in this blog.  I wanted to let everyone one know why I have stopped, there are two reasons I have stopped blogging. one, I have been consumed...He is a blessing to our family but the transition also consumes a lot of my time, on top of having 4 very active children and taking them to all of their activities, not to mention homeschooling 4 and teaching English.  But the other reason is the main reason,  I got an email that said we are no longer to blog or facebook about our adoption. this email went to all of the families.  but it said it is against Latvian law to share the adoption process on any social network, and if it is seen by Latvia they can terminate the adoption.  I originally thought that because we had hosted that we could continue sharing about our journey.  but the law is that you can share about your hosting but not about your adoption until after your second court.  
I am very happy to announce that we will be going back to Latvia for our final court October 17.  Please continue to keep our family in your prayers our journey although a blessing, can at times be a challenge.  
Love you all, and hopefully I will be blogging after October 17!

Monday, July 8, 2013

week 3 in Latvia

Another week has come and gone, and we are very happy about that.  We are closer to going home!  We really miss America and appreciate our country and miss our friends and family.  
It has been a blessing though to be here in Latvia for this time.  It is good for us to get to know Latvia and where he has lived for 15 years.  and for us to experience what it feels like to not be able to communicate with anybody because that is what he is about to live in, and that is not fun.  

This week we have gone back to the beach, which we all in enjoy. it is only a 20 minute train ride.  so wish I lived that close to the beach.  We enjoy the beach because it is a place all of the children enjoy spending the day.  we took lots of snacks and bottled waters this time and stayed a little longer.  playing in the water, riding the paddle boats, and digging in the sand doesn't require talking and that is really nice.  Mitchell also likes to jump on the trampoline that is on the beach.  how cool is that, I love the beach here.  
at the end of our day at the beach Mitchell sat on my towel with me and scoops up a little sand and tosses it on my leg, well those of you that know me well know that is just the beginning of a war.  so I threw some back on him and then he threw more and then it is on...huge sand war.  I was covered in sand and so was he, and then we are running all over the beach throwing sand.  fun at the time and then 2 seconds after the war is over, its ok I'm ready to go:) I hate to be covered in sand.  It was a lot of fun and lots of family bonding at the beach.  Him and Matthew love to splash everyone and team up with each other to annoy me and the girls. 

We also visited the Riga Zoo this week, lots of fun.  I hadn't put that on our things to do list, because I thought they wouldn't want to know being teenagers.  but we got bored enough to head to the zoo for the day.  and you know I always say this and the day at the zoo proves it...teenagers are just toddlers in bigger bodies.  they had a lot of fun.  I heard "mom come here and look" all day from all 4 of them.  Matthew sticks his map through a slit in the door of the monkey cage and a little monkey grabs it and runs with it.  it was so funny because then the daddy monkey charges Matthew and slams into the glass right in front of Matthew, I got it all on video.  we all stood there and laughed forever.  not a dull moment.

The days do seem to drag, I miss things like my car, Costco, we walk a block to the grocery store and everything here is sold in very small amounts.  We are a big family and we have to be able to carry what we buy.  So we all carry a bag home, which is not a lot of groceries for a family this big.  Then we carry them up 4 flights of very steep spiral stair way to our apartment.  Then put them away in a tiny refrigerator.  The cost of food over here is killing us.  Tony finally found a bottle of mustard this week, and it was about  3 Lats which is about 6 Dollars, and the bottle was tiny.  So of course he has not had mustard on his sandwiches.  Every thing is packaged small and  cost at least twice as much here.  We have run out of all the supplies that I had packed, and now are having to purchase even more at the store.  So the funds are running out fast.  

Mitchell and I work on an English lesson everyday, and he does very good with it.  He doesn't think so and gets very discouraged.  But he learns it very fast.  He is always the one that ask to do our lesson, I wait until he is ready because it just goes well that way.  So somewhere in our day he will say mom you teach me english now. and we sit at the kitchen table and go over at least 3 lessons and review games each day.  I know it has to be very difficult and scary to know you have to learn a whole new language to be able to talk to your family.  

Mitchell is very ready to be an American.  He wants to learn English and told me he doesn't want to speak Latvian anymore.  Which I don't agree with I want him to keep his Latvian and Russian language.  He is very through with this country, breaks my heart that he wants to bury everything about it.  We visited a Latvian museum this week about this countries' history and it was amazing what all happened here during WWII.  to actually see a yellow star that the Jews wore, was unreal.  What a chance for the kids to see first hand things from this war that we can't see in America.  But he was not a happy guy that day and didn't want to walk around and see Latvian History.  I hope one day he can with God's help overcome these feelings he has for his past and his country.  

This week I ask him if  he was going to miss Latvia when he gets to America and he said "no miss Latvia".  He said he has only lived here 15 years.  I said that is a long time, he said no, I will live in America longer.  He said he will be an American forever.  He said that people in America know God and people that know God are happier people.  My fellow American Christian people, do you hear that...I think this is another lesson for us all from Mitchell.  People that know God are happier people...let's not forget that.  because what I see in America is that is changing.  hold on to the God we serve and the JOY He brings into our life because it reaches the world and changes lives.  

Mitchell is a very loving child.  He hugs and puts his arm around us all day.  He is so very happy to finally have a family and he tells me everyday.  He is starving for love and affection.  Our Social worker also visited the last time this week, and Mitchell had the idea to show her all of our pictures in my computer so he could tell her how things were going.  he sat with my computer and the poor lady had to look at over 300 pictures.  I looked at him as he clicked through the pictures with the biggest smile on his face you have ever seen.  He so enjoyed showing her his family and all we have been doing.  after the pictures Tony and I had to sign a form that stated that after our stay here with him we wanted to pursue the adoption, Mitchell asked the lady what the forms was (of course in Latvian) and she explained it to him.  We both signed it and passed it back to her and when he looked down at the paper with our signature on it his face turn a little red and his eyes looked like he could cry.  That moment made it a little more real for all of us.  This coming week will be even more real.  Monday Mitchell will go to court and have to write a statement that he wants to be adopted by our family and he will sign. and then on Tuesday we have court that will give us permission to bring him to America while we finalize the adoption.  Those two days will be two days he has waited a long time for, and I can't wait.  

This week for the most part has been the most wonderful experience of my life, but at the same time has been the hardest challenges I have ever been through.  Our family has been challenged physically, mentally, financially, emotionally and spiritually like we have never experienced.  But we always, no matter what the day holds,  say this is where God has us, no doubt in any of our minds that this journey is of God and that is what always brings us through.  We hold on to God and trust Him fully.  

Mitchell is an amazing child. God has a plan and purpose for all of this.  I can't tell you how much I love this child.  Saturday night he and I sat down to discuss his middle name.  We need to finish a paper that has his new name on it before we leave.  He grabbed my computer and wrote, today I am born and you are my mom, and I want you to name me.  That right there is worth it all.  It just melted my heart.  He is precious, and all of the challenges on this journey are nothing compared to the blessing of having him be our son.  

Monday, July 1, 2013

Week 2 in Latvia

I can not express to you guys how much we love this child.  He is just precious.  An absolute God sent to our family.  This week has been so wonderful, full of family time.  I have many times said it is crazy we have to stay in Latvia so long when we already had him for 4 weeks in America, they know he has bonded with our family.  But now I am so thankful for this time.  Because we are isolated from our normal world, with no distractions of all the things our family is involved in in America, I am thankful for this time of just spending it together.  It is different than when we hosted, we never treated him like a visitor in our home when he was there but it is still different because he is our child now.  

This week has been packed with lots of fun things but we still have moments of feeling trapped in this apartment and being seriously bored...six of us going, what do you want to do, I don't know what do you want to do, I don't know what do you want to do...about an hour of that every afternoon...

some of my observations of Riga, Latvia...It is almost like Brooklyn, reminds me so much of Brooklyn, but with more historical buildings.  but the buildings are  full of graffiti are so much like Brooklyn.  I feel safer walking down the streets here than I did in Brooklyn.  People you pass even at night, just don't seem as though they would bother anyone.  They are not friendly don't smile or wave or even make eye contact, but they don't bother each other.  I have seen more than I did in Brooklyn.  I have seen teens drinking, a man rolling his own smoke in the park in open day light, one night we saw a meth addict he didn't have a shirt on and was just freaking out, very skinny (that was very sad) we enjoy all of the musicians on the street we will stand and listen to them a lot and throw money in their case I actually wish we had that in America it is nice to walk around and hear music playing and all of them are very good.  The people here are a lot skinner than in America I guess from all this walking all day and there isn't as much fast food, Only Mcdonalds.  They are very beautiful I am in a world of beautiful blue eyes everywhere.  The women are always dressed up, skirts and heels. There are those that Mallory and I have about arrested for Fashion NO NOs... We have pictures!!  Mallory and I have had fun looking at the world of fashion wee woos.  I'm talking plaid and plaid together...leopard print and flowers...She and I are dying over here.  but for the most part everyone here is very helpful and very nice, and most of them try to help communicate in English with you.  Gives me a whole new look at the Hispanic community in America and how we treat them.

Back to my Mitchell, We have been working on English just about every afternoon, he and I will sit down with a book we bought here that has English and Latvian.  He is doing so well, but doesn't think he does.  He has had a couple days of feeling down about learning English. I am sure to him it feels overwhelming.  He wants to learn it now, and doesn't want to wait.  He tells me everyday he wants to talk to me but can't.  It breaks my heart.  Please pray for him, that English will come very easy and fast for him.  

One day I told him we wanted to go back to the Bookstore and get him some books in Latvian so he can have them to read when school starts back.  and he told me no, he said he was American now, no more Latvian books.  I told him he was an American that spoke Latvian and we needed some Latvian books to read for school.  he just smiled.  He is very ready to go home, he tells me that every day. He says "Go home to America". He is so ready to leave Latvia, said it is full of bad people.  

We enjoyed the baltic Sea, that was a great day.  It took us 20 minutes on the train to get there.  The sand is so soft and beautiful, Mallory figured out why, she said the tide doesn't come in...I was like oh yeah,  so the sand is just so beautiful.  They had volleyball nets out, cabanas, snack bars, trampolines, playground.  It is great when the tide don't come in.  We took a huge paddle boat out in the water and that was a lot of fun.  Mitchell jumps off the paddle boat and of course Morgan goes right behind him.  The current pulls her out further from the boat and she can't swim hard enough to get back.  Mitchell was amazing he swam to her and stayed with her as we paddled back over closer to her, I heard him telling her, "Morgan, don't stress, it is ok, don't stress" I love how he cares for the other three.  many times he will ask them if they are ok.  like after him and Matthew swam and then got back on the boat he went over to Matthew and said  you ok?  He is so very loving.  

We have also been to see Superman, went shopping, went to a fun park at our favorite Latvian restaurant, Mitchell wanted all of us to ride the swings together, that was fun.  And then on Saturday we were invited to go to a 4th of July Celebration at the US Embassy.  It was so very cool to be at the embassy, we have never been to an American Embassy before, what an experience.  We were very excited about that and even teared up when we got there and saw America flags and Patriotic music.  It was beautiful and made us very home sick.  They even had old America cars lined up.  Mitchell says I like that one, I turned and looked and you wouldn't believe it but it was a 66 Mustang, how ironic.  I said well we had one but we sold it.  If I had to do it over again I wouldn't change a thing.  It was well worth selling that car.  It was funny though what they had there to represent America,  as we walked around to all of the tents they had hotdogs, Mcdonalds, pizza, and I guess this was suppose to be a banana split but it was one scoop of Ice Cream and a banana laying beside it and a little chocolate syrup swirled on top.  So, our 4th of July cookout was McDonalds...yuck, We are ready for a real 4th of July cookout, We miss America!

our week ended with our very first Sunday morning at church.  It was just so unreal, I thought I feel like I was just at Freewater Church up in front of everyone talking about how we were getting close to going and getting our son, to now getting to go to church with our son.  The picture above is our Sunday morning picture.  We took the train about a 30 minute ride to church and then a short walk.  It was a very big church.  The people were very friendly and helped us get to the English section.  They had earphones for English translation.  Beautiful worship, and a wonderful message, several got saved.  I really enjoyed being there, I love to worship in other countries and feel God's presence.  We know he is every where but to feel it is an eye opening experience, I think so many people in America think that  their church and their ministry is what it is all about, and it isn't God is so much bigger than just your world.  It is a shocker to some but God's kingdom doesn't revolve around you...sorry had to throw that in.  It is good to get out of the country and worship with other Christians around the world because they will put Americans to shame.  Church was 2 and half hours and no one was in a hurry to leave.  It was just beautiful.  

Mitchell had asked me for a Bible some time back and I couldn't find one, so I told him when we were in Latvia we would find him one.  As we were leaving the service I asked an usher where I could get a latvian Bible, and he said they had a bookstore.  So we bought Mitchell his first Bible and he was so very happy.  I think that was the best Bible Tony and I have ever given away.  How we take for granted to have a Bible of our very own. 

I guess I have to say my favorite moment of the week was when Mitchell took our picture with my phone and posted it on my facebook page and said with it I love my mom. 

We still have 2 more weeks...another Social worker visit, one more court time and a couple visa appointments.  Looking forward to completing this a coming home.  
Please continue to pray for our family.  Love you all!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

First week in Riga

Wow, I thought I would of blogged everyday when I was here but it hasn't happened that here is an update on our first week, we have been here on our first trip to bring our son home.

Travel day was very long, we left June 16th, Sunday morning at 7am for the airport flew to Philadelphia and then Germany and then finally arriving in Riga, Latvia at 1:30pm on Monday.  but with excitement of seeing Mitchell I was not tired at all.  The plane landed and when I saw the airport that said "Riga", my eyes filled with tears, at the thoughts that he was in that building waiting, and It was a matter of minutes before I would see him.  It was like a dream, felt unreal that we were finally here and finally going to see him again after 5 long months.  After in the airport  we got our luggage  (11 suitcases!!)  that took awhile.  it was very crowded, we went down this hall to go through the doorway that led out, and when we stepped through the door Mitchell was standing as close to the door as he could and as soon as I stepped through the door he grabbed me and hugged me so hard it sent my sunglasses, that were on top of my head, flying through the air.  we were blocking the whole door way but we didn't care, I dropped all of my bags right there and hugged that child.  We didn't get any pictures of this beautiful moment, it happened so fast.  He went to everyone after that and hugged them, and then we headed to our apartment.  

Mitchell got to go back to our apartment with us on that day until 10pm that night.  The orphanage allowed him to stay with us for a while.  after settling in we went for a walk around Old Riga, He was so happy to show us around and take pictures.  He held my hand around the whole city and smiled from ear to ear.  After we went back it was very difficult to let him leave and go back to the orphanage, he left and took the bus back for the night.  I held it together pretty good, knowing I needed to unpack and that we would see him in the morning. but it was so difficult to see him and then for him to leave. 

Tuesday morning we were picked up by our attorney to go to his orphanage.  The Orphanage director had request to sit down with us and review Mitchell's file together before court.  Our court wasn't until 4pm, I was worried that after our meeting he would have to stay there until court and not be with us all day.  but our attorney said that would be up to the orphanage director.  As soon as we pulled up and parked Mitchell came out the door and grabbed me and kissed me, my attorney said I guess this is him, and she started laughing. There were lots of children playing in the yard and they all stood and watched.  After our meeting with the director, which we learned things about our Mitchell we didn't know, about his family and his past...would break your heart, maybe I will share that one day...We then went and got to see his room, it was up some stairs that were concrete and then down a hall, when he got to his room he opened the door with a key, felt more like an institution, but was very nice and clean.  His room had 2 beds in it and a desk.  He then talked in Latvian back and forth with the lady at the orphanage and then our translator said that Mitchell asked to leave with us, and they said yes. He opened this sliding door which was a closet and pulled out his suitcase, he was already packed.  I thought that was so cute, they said he got up at 7am and had been ready and waiting.  I am thankful for all of the staff at the orphanage they are so very nice and helpful in this journey.  as we were leaving and Mitchell was rolling his suitcase behind him the director starting crying.  she said she was going to miss him.  She wished all of the children at the orphanage were like him.  He was so good and sweet.  All of the children that were outside stopped and watched as Mitchell pulled his suitcase and all of his new family walked behind him.  There faces were shocked and concerned.  That moment was hard, my heart broke for all of those children. None of them moved as they watched us head to the car.  
At court that afternoon, the social worker from the orphanage said to the panel that Mitchell came home from America and told them he wanted to be with this family forever.  That he was very happy with our family.  The panel of ladies from the Orphan Ministry were very nice and asked me a few questions mostly on why our family wanted to adopt him.  After I said he fits well with our family, Mitchell spoke up and told them he agreed.  they all smiled  and laughed a little.  It was an easy meeting with it so obvious that he wants to be with us and that we love this child so much.

We pretty much stayed around Old Riga, walking around this beautiful city, touring old churches and seeing WWII museums, which by the way are just the coolest.  I have taught Mitchell to play spoons and he loves it as much as we do, we now play a lot of spoons:)

Thursday was our visit with the social worker and it went well, they didn't stay long and said they wouldn't be back the next week because it just wasn't needed since he has already bonded with our family.  Thursday night we went and meet some of the other families that are also here, I have meet them on Facebook during this journey.  It was so great to finally meet them and their children.  It has been a blessing to be on this journey with a group of friends that are called to the same challenge, that have the same heart for Latvian children.  

It has been a dream come true to be at this point. I can't even express the joy to finally have this child with us.  He is so happy, and loves on all of us all day.  He is so precious and has such a big heart.  Him and Morgan have so much fun in this apartment i love to hear them laughing in the other room, it is enough to put a smile on your face for all eternity.  I am sure most of you have seen pictures of him holding my hand, well just let me say how it melts my heart to be the mom of such a wonderful child, he holds my hand pretty much every where we go.  I can't Thank you all enough for your support and prayers for helping us get to this point in our journey, let me say all of the tears, paperwork and heartache were very well worth it!!  Thank you for sharing in this walk with me, you all are a blessing.  I will blog more about this week stuff this week.  love you all!  Blessing from Riga

Thursday, June 6, 2013

10 day count down

we are doing a 10 day count down until we see Mitchell!  Every morning we send him a picture of something here, with the number of the days left til we see him.  
we only have 9 days until we fly but the count down is until we see him!! 
I can't believe we are getting this close!  
We are very ready got our Euros in the mail today and our family sticker for the car.  suitcases are just about complete, apartment is booked, airline tickets have come in the mail, and even have the taxi scheduled to pick us up at the airport. We are about as ready as it is going to get.  I am getting a little nervous we haven't ever flown across the ocean before...we have flown on long distances even Alaska but not over the ocean.  
I will blog more tomorrow, have something on my heart I would like to share but don't have the time today.  Be Blessed all my wonderful friends, Melanie

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Reflecting back

The month of May was a month full of anticipation and waiting.  I had prayed and prayed we would hear from Latvia by Mother's day.  Seeking God for answers and hoping for dates.  It was a month that seemed to drag on forever.  All day and Night I prayed, The urgency was because our Attorney in Latvia was going on vacation on May 17 for 2 weeks, I was so very desperately wanted to have dates before she went on vacation.  Mother's day came and went and still no word from Latvia.  
By Tuesday May 14 still nothing,  I spent time with God that day and read in Hebrew 11:1, the Faith chapter, reading over all of the men and women of Faith, I know that moment in God's word was a break through in my life and in this journey.  I felt God spoke and said Victory, I felt that and  I absolutely knew that God was going to bring this miracle of dates in the next 2 days.  
I woke up with anticipation, knowing this was going to be the day.  The hours went by and nothing.  So I went to pray and spend time with God on  my front porch on Wednesday May 15th about 12:30, which is 7:30 in Latvia, the enemy telling me it is after hours in Latvia and I wouldn't hear from them now.  I stood on what I knew God spoke to me.  only 2 days before our attorney is to go on vacation.  I was trusting God fully, that this was in His hands.  I have learned through this that we as Christians don't walk in Faith like we should myself included.  We say we do, but we worry, we trust in things that we see, things that are in front of us.  Hebrews 11:1 says Faith is the substances of things hoped for, evidence of things "Not" seen.  This was huge for me I was faced with hope in God for something that wasn't in front of me.  I held my phone in my hand as I was praying, I got a notification of a email from our adoption agent that said "Referral", I jumped up screaming, running in the house I was so full of joy I couldn't even read it, Tony had to read it, and I said I don't care what it says, lets just hurry and accept it.  For those of you that don't know a referral is information about your child, and is released when you request to adopt them.  You have to review and accept it before they send you dates to travel to Latvia.  I talked on the phone with our Adoption agent and I told her I was ready to go and wanted dates before Daina (attorney) goes on vacation...she later that night called me and said she talked with Daina (which at this point was 11:00pm in Latvia!) and she said she would contact the courts first thing in morning  to see if she could get dates, but Riga is the slowest in giving dates and she couldn't make any promises. 
So, here we are the last day before Daina goes on vacation...May 16th, I waited all day to hear...each hour I look at the 12:30pm I said God it is after hours in Latvia and nothing...I decided to sit on my porch and pray instead of crying in my bathroom floor, or laying in my bed crying...I thought my last miracle was on the porch at this same time yesterday, so on the porch I went...praying, and then, A NOTIFICATION ON MY PHONE POPPED UP THAT SAID "WE GOT DATES"
once again I jumped up running in the house screaming.  
On the very last day before we would of had to wait for 2 weeks with nothing, God shows up and gives us a miracle.  in 2 days we got our referral and dates, for those of you that don't know this is not the norm, days usually go by before you get dates after a referral.  
I thank God everyday that at that exact moment on my anniversary God gives me dates to travel to Latvia to finally go get our son.  I later saw on the Refferal email that our attorney actually got our refferal from the orphan ministry the Friday before Mother's Day, I did get it for Mother's day...God held onto it I know to show that He is God and all glory goes to Him.  Just in so many stories in the Bible, God likes to make thing happen in the impossible.  I thought of Gideon when he had 32,000 men (or so) and God took him down to 300 men, to go to battle with, why?  to show that He is God and so He gets all the Glory.  2 days before our attorney goes on vacation we get our refferal, the day before she leaves, we get our dates.  I love my God of the impossible!  To God be all the Glory!!
Now it is June 1, and we are 2 weeks away from going to latvia to get our son.  We leave June 16th and will arrive in Latvia on June 17th.  Mitchell is very happy, he said he can't wait!  
Thank you all for your prayers and support through this journey,  we are no where near close to it being over, but we are very close to having him with us again!

Monday, May 13, 2013


well we are still waiting to hear from Orphan Ministry, to receive his file.  It has been 2 weeks, which feels like months. from what I have heard there is no set time schedule of this process. some people have gotten theirs in 2 weeks some 2 months.  Of course I am praying for the 2 weeks. I know God has to be tired of hearing from me about this adoption:)

Mitchell is doing very good, he goes to the gym every few days, plays outside now that the weather is beautiful in Riga.
I talked with him on the phone this past Saturday and he said a new sentence in English...He said we only have 3 more weeks until summer.  I was really proud of him.  He tries very hard to learn English.  I know that can't be easy.  He is very excited that summer is coming.

He wrote me one day last week and was sad because they had told him we were hosting him and that he would be coming June 27 until Aug.1 and he didn't like that at all.  Told me he was sad and didn't know why he would only be in America for 1 month.  So I told him we had decided not to host him this summer, that the adoption agent said we should be in Latvia in June or July.  He was ok with that.  and said that was what the orphanage director told him, but he believed me.  I am very glad God directed me not to host, he really didn't understand that and didn't want to do that.  God is good and always leads us in the right direction.  I am so thankful for the God I serve.  I told him we first thought we might not get to come to Latvia  that soon and we were going to host so we could see him over the summer, but I don't know if he understood that.  All he knows is he wants us to come to Latvia and then bring him home forever not for a month.  So He knows we are just waiting on Latvia to let us know when we can go and he is good with that.

We have finished his room.  new carpet, painted it green (which is his favorite color), got his new bed and comforter.  I  still have to put things on the walls and hang the curtains, but it is coming together, and ready for him to come home.  I told my family I am so happy for him to have his own room and to have a "big" bed.  He has been in an orphanage sharing a room with boys in a twin bed for a very long time.  So happy for him.  I sent him a picture of his bed today, and he said he liked it a lot!

Well, thank you guys for your continued prayers as we continue to wait.  I have good days and bad days, I live on an emotional roll a coaster journey.  but I try to tell myself I have only waited for 4 months and which is just a small indication of the waiting and heart ache  he has done and gone through for years.  Many many years of waiting to be with a family.