Wednesday, June 26, 2013

First week in Riga

Wow, I thought I would of blogged everyday when I was here but it hasn't happened that here is an update on our first week, we have been here on our first trip to bring our son home.

Travel day was very long, we left June 16th, Sunday morning at 7am for the airport flew to Philadelphia and then Germany and then finally arriving in Riga, Latvia at 1:30pm on Monday.  but with excitement of seeing Mitchell I was not tired at all.  The plane landed and when I saw the airport that said "Riga", my eyes filled with tears, at the thoughts that he was in that building waiting, and It was a matter of minutes before I would see him.  It was like a dream, felt unreal that we were finally here and finally going to see him again after 5 long months.  After in the airport  we got our luggage  (11 suitcases!!)  that took awhile.  it was very crowded, we went down this hall to go through the doorway that led out, and when we stepped through the door Mitchell was standing as close to the door as he could and as soon as I stepped through the door he grabbed me and hugged me so hard it sent my sunglasses, that were on top of my head, flying through the air.  we were blocking the whole door way but we didn't care, I dropped all of my bags right there and hugged that child.  We didn't get any pictures of this beautiful moment, it happened so fast.  He went to everyone after that and hugged them, and then we headed to our apartment.  

Mitchell got to go back to our apartment with us on that day until 10pm that night.  The orphanage allowed him to stay with us for a while.  after settling in we went for a walk around Old Riga, He was so happy to show us around and take pictures.  He held my hand around the whole city and smiled from ear to ear.  After we went back it was very difficult to let him leave and go back to the orphanage, he left and took the bus back for the night.  I held it together pretty good, knowing I needed to unpack and that we would see him in the morning. but it was so difficult to see him and then for him to leave. 

Tuesday morning we were picked up by our attorney to go to his orphanage.  The Orphanage director had request to sit down with us and review Mitchell's file together before court.  Our court wasn't until 4pm, I was worried that after our meeting he would have to stay there until court and not be with us all day.  but our attorney said that would be up to the orphanage director.  As soon as we pulled up and parked Mitchell came out the door and grabbed me and kissed me, my attorney said I guess this is him, and she started laughing. There were lots of children playing in the yard and they all stood and watched.  After our meeting with the director, which we learned things about our Mitchell we didn't know, about his family and his past...would break your heart, maybe I will share that one day...We then went and got to see his room, it was up some stairs that were concrete and then down a hall, when he got to his room he opened the door with a key, felt more like an institution, but was very nice and clean.  His room had 2 beds in it and a desk.  He then talked in Latvian back and forth with the lady at the orphanage and then our translator said that Mitchell asked to leave with us, and they said yes. He opened this sliding door which was a closet and pulled out his suitcase, he was already packed.  I thought that was so cute, they said he got up at 7am and had been ready and waiting.  I am thankful for all of the staff at the orphanage they are so very nice and helpful in this journey.  as we were leaving and Mitchell was rolling his suitcase behind him the director starting crying.  she said she was going to miss him.  She wished all of the children at the orphanage were like him.  He was so good and sweet.  All of the children that were outside stopped and watched as Mitchell pulled his suitcase and all of his new family walked behind him.  There faces were shocked and concerned.  That moment was hard, my heart broke for all of those children. None of them moved as they watched us head to the car.  
At court that afternoon, the social worker from the orphanage said to the panel that Mitchell came home from America and told them he wanted to be with this family forever.  That he was very happy with our family.  The panel of ladies from the Orphan Ministry were very nice and asked me a few questions mostly on why our family wanted to adopt him.  After I said he fits well with our family, Mitchell spoke up and told them he agreed.  they all smiled  and laughed a little.  It was an easy meeting with it so obvious that he wants to be with us and that we love this child so much.

We pretty much stayed around Old Riga, walking around this beautiful city, touring old churches and seeing WWII museums, which by the way are just the coolest.  I have taught Mitchell to play spoons and he loves it as much as we do, we now play a lot of spoons:)

Thursday was our visit with the social worker and it went well, they didn't stay long and said they wouldn't be back the next week because it just wasn't needed since he has already bonded with our family.  Thursday night we went and meet some of the other families that are also here, I have meet them on Facebook during this journey.  It was so great to finally meet them and their children.  It has been a blessing to be on this journey with a group of friends that are called to the same challenge, that have the same heart for Latvian children.  

It has been a dream come true to be at this point. I can't even express the joy to finally have this child with us.  He is so happy, and loves on all of us all day.  He is so precious and has such a big heart.  Him and Morgan have so much fun in this apartment i love to hear them laughing in the other room, it is enough to put a smile on your face for all eternity.  I am sure most of you have seen pictures of him holding my hand, well just let me say how it melts my heart to be the mom of such a wonderful child, he holds my hand pretty much every where we go.  I can't Thank you all enough for your support and prayers for helping us get to this point in our journey, let me say all of the tears, paperwork and heartache were very well worth it!!  Thank you for sharing in this walk with me, you all are a blessing.  I will blog more about this week stuff this week.  love you all!  Blessing from Riga

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