Saturday, June 1, 2013

Reflecting back

The month of May was a month full of anticipation and waiting.  I had prayed and prayed we would hear from Latvia by Mother's day.  Seeking God for answers and hoping for dates.  It was a month that seemed to drag on forever.  All day and Night I prayed, The urgency was because our Attorney in Latvia was going on vacation on May 17 for 2 weeks, I was so very desperately wanted to have dates before she went on vacation.  Mother's day came and went and still no word from Latvia.  
By Tuesday May 14 still nothing,  I spent time with God that day and read in Hebrew 11:1, the Faith chapter, reading over all of the men and women of Faith, I know that moment in God's word was a break through in my life and in this journey.  I felt God spoke and said Victory, I felt that and  I absolutely knew that God was going to bring this miracle of dates in the next 2 days.  
I woke up with anticipation, knowing this was going to be the day.  The hours went by and nothing.  So I went to pray and spend time with God on  my front porch on Wednesday May 15th about 12:30, which is 7:30 in Latvia, the enemy telling me it is after hours in Latvia and I wouldn't hear from them now.  I stood on what I knew God spoke to me.  only 2 days before our attorney is to go on vacation.  I was trusting God fully, that this was in His hands.  I have learned through this that we as Christians don't walk in Faith like we should myself included.  We say we do, but we worry, we trust in things that we see, things that are in front of us.  Hebrews 11:1 says Faith is the substances of things hoped for, evidence of things "Not" seen.  This was huge for me I was faced with hope in God for something that wasn't in front of me.  I held my phone in my hand as I was praying, I got a notification of a email from our adoption agent that said "Referral", I jumped up screaming, running in the house I was so full of joy I couldn't even read it, Tony had to read it, and I said I don't care what it says, lets just hurry and accept it.  For those of you that don't know a referral is information about your child, and is released when you request to adopt them.  You have to review and accept it before they send you dates to travel to Latvia.  I talked on the phone with our Adoption agent and I told her I was ready to go and wanted dates before Daina (attorney) goes on vacation...she later that night called me and said she talked with Daina (which at this point was 11:00pm in Latvia!) and she said she would contact the courts first thing in morning  to see if she could get dates, but Riga is the slowest in giving dates and she couldn't make any promises. 
So, here we are the last day before Daina goes on vacation...May 16th, I waited all day to hear...each hour I look at the 12:30pm I said God it is after hours in Latvia and nothing...I decided to sit on my porch and pray instead of crying in my bathroom floor, or laying in my bed crying...I thought my last miracle was on the porch at this same time yesterday, so on the porch I went...praying, and then, A NOTIFICATION ON MY PHONE POPPED UP THAT SAID "WE GOT DATES"
once again I jumped up running in the house screaming.  
On the very last day before we would of had to wait for 2 weeks with nothing, God shows up and gives us a miracle.  in 2 days we got our referral and dates, for those of you that don't know this is not the norm, days usually go by before you get dates after a referral.  
I thank God everyday that at that exact moment on my anniversary God gives me dates to travel to Latvia to finally go get our son.  I later saw on the Refferal email that our attorney actually got our refferal from the orphan ministry the Friday before Mother's Day, I did get it for Mother's day...God held onto it I know to show that He is God and all glory goes to Him.  Just in so many stories in the Bible, God likes to make thing happen in the impossible.  I thought of Gideon when he had 32,000 men (or so) and God took him down to 300 men, to go to battle with, why?  to show that He is God and so He gets all the Glory.  2 days before our attorney goes on vacation we get our refferal, the day before she leaves, we get our dates.  I love my God of the impossible!  To God be all the Glory!!
Now it is June 1, and we are 2 weeks away from going to latvia to get our son.  We leave June 16th and will arrive in Latvia on June 17th.  Mitchell is very happy, he said he can't wait!  
Thank you all for your prayers and support through this journey,  we are no where near close to it being over, but we are very close to having him with us again!

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