Thursday, August 29, 2013

home a month

We have now been home a month.  I have missed sharing every moment in this blog.  I wanted to let everyone one know why I have stopped, there are two reasons I have stopped blogging. one, I have been consumed...He is a blessing to our family but the transition also consumes a lot of my time, on top of having 4 very active children and taking them to all of their activities, not to mention homeschooling 4 and teaching English.  But the other reason is the main reason,  I got an email that said we are no longer to blog or facebook about our adoption. this email went to all of the families.  but it said it is against Latvian law to share the adoption process on any social network, and if it is seen by Latvia they can terminate the adoption.  I originally thought that because we had hosted that we could continue sharing about our journey.  but the law is that you can share about your hosting but not about your adoption until after your second court.  
I am very happy to announce that we will be going back to Latvia for our final court October 17.  Please continue to keep our family in your prayers our journey although a blessing, can at times be a challenge.  
Love you all, and hopefully I will be blogging after October 17!

1 comment:

  1. Continuing to pray for your family and hoping things went ok and that you'll (hopefully!!) give us an update so we know how to continue to be praying for you guys!
