Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Do you Believe me?

Do you Believe me?

Today was  a precious moment with our Aloizs, that I am going to share even though I don't normally share our conversations, but today I feel God needs to be glorified.  This morning I am in conversation with him and he asked me "mom, do you really know that we will be together forever?" 
I said back that yes, I know we will be together. why? did someone say we wouldn't?  He said "mom, I worry"
I said you will have to trust me, do you believe me when I say we will be together?  He said "Yes, I believe, I believe you that we will be together, I love you my mom forever."
It was a very precious moment.  He then went on to tell me in 6 more messages in an hour that he loved me.  I share this because of what happens next...
I then was on the phone with the adoption agent, most of you know we have all of our paperwork ready, I have worked very hard to get it done very quickly...I am on the phone with her reviewing all of what is needed this week, checking off each thing...I have down that we will need $3000 by Friday, (which we only have $850)  but I am not worried, knowing it is going to happen some how...
When she gets to the amount the check needs to be for she says...$6000.  I say ok and hang up...
Can I say my heart went to my stomach and I felt as though I could of thrown up...that's me being real with you guys...very real...letting you all into a part of my life I wouldn't normally share...I called Tony,  and he says it will be God for sure when this happens this week!  Feeling sick and overwhelmed I go sit in in my bathroom on the floor and cry my head off...I prayed God I know you have this but I am worried, this is a lot of money!  God said "Do you remember what you said to Aloizs today?"  WOW!  Does God have a way with just a few words!  I melted in tears, and said God I believe, I believe God you have this.  How God is teaching me through this journey is absolutely amazing.  I don't know how or where this money will come from...But I am believing God for a miracle.  I wanted to share this most intimate  moment with you so when it does happen God will be glorified in it all.  Is this hard for me to share absolutely...but To Him be the Glory for what he is about to do.  I love this child and I know God is doing amazing things in his life and through his life.  He is definitely changing me and growing my Faith everyday!  Love you all!!  God is still in control of it all, I Believe Him do you?

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