Wednesday, March 6, 2013

To God be the Glory!!

To God be the Glory!!

WOW!  God is so Good!  Tuesday 3-5-13 What a day!!  I blogged the Mountain that was  in front of us...$6000 that was needed to go with our next documents which was double what we thought.  God said do you trust and Believe that I have got this?  It was a hard day, to find out that we had hurried to get our documents completed and then find out we needed that kind of money.  Tony, had said it was double the amount we needed so when God did it there would be no doubt that HE did it.  After my cry yesterday God spoke to my heart and said to do what I had told Aloizs to do and that is trust and believe.  So, I did...I give it to God Trusting that He would make away...
6 or 7 hours later we got a phone call, with $6000!!  Yes!  You heard me GOD turned it all around in less than 8 hours!  
Praise God for His Goodness, He is still God of it all, In control of it all!! There is NO Doubt God is in this adoption for his Glory!!  He has great plans for our Aloizs!  and I can't wait to see this child come here and share his testimony of what God has done in his life!!
We traveled to Raleigh today, to get our documents Apostilled by the the NC Secretary of State.  These documents will be going to Latvia!!  We got up very early, very excited to get this phase completed.  We dropped them off and they said they would be ready in the morning.  We left and toured the Capitol and the museums (School field trip)  It was 2:00 Tony said lets just stop by and see if they happen to be ready.  So before we headed to our car to leave we stopped in the State office, the lady looked and she said yes they are ready!!  She said now open them and look through them before you leave.  It was 2 big packs of papers, about 90 pages!  so I did and I am so glad we did.  One document was denied because the notary didn't stamp it.  So I called her and we flew (not really) home to get it stamped before the doctors office closed and we have to go back to Raleigh in the morning...for ONE document!!  But I am thankful the papers were ready early, so we can still get them finished in the morning instead of having to go back again on Friday!!  
So, Tomorrow all of these Documents will be mailed (over nighted) with a $6000 check to our adoption agent and then Friday will be scanned to Latvia to be translated!!  I am very excited to have all of these documents completed, We are praying for all of these documents to be approved rapidly.  
The next steps (that are going on at the same time) are to wait on the US CIS to send us a letter of appointment to be fingerprinted by the US immigration office, and then we will wait for them to send us an approval letter.  This Application was able to get mailed TODAY, Thanks to Total Praise in Song, my dear precious friends that raised the funds for this application to be mailed!!  
In the mean time our documents in Latvia will be translated in Latvian, so they are ready to be reviewed.  When we get our US approval that will then be sent to Latvia as well, in hopes that all of the other documents are ready and translated.  Then we wait on Latvia to send us an approval and a date to travel!!!  Sorry I know this is probably hard to understand and boring.  But just know we are now very close but also we are at the hard part of waiting, not knowing how long this could take...
We are now in the stage of raising funds to travel to Latvia, one of the biggest expenses of this journey...We will have to live in an apartment in Latvia for 3 weeks, with cost of airfare for 5 to Latvia and airfare for "6" home,  and all of the other expenses in Latvia.  So as one thing is complete and is a BIG accomplishment we are now facing our next big step which is another mountain, But I am believing God is going to do GREAT things once again.
Thank you to all of you that donated this week you guys are amazing, and such a BIG part of this journey with our family!!  The money that was donated to Open Door this week by so many of you, will stay in the Bell account and go towards our travel expenses.  We still have much to raise...
Some fundraisers coming:
March 23rd Yard Sale 
April 6th All fore!  Aloizs Golf tournament at Sapona Golf club.
April 27th Spaghetti Dinner at The 1st PH Church in Winston-Salem

**Thank you to all of you that are planning and working so hard on all of these fund raisers!!  WE LOVE YOU ALL!  


  1. I am so so happy for you all. I cannot wait to meet your new son. God has certainly been in this and it just thrills my soul. The love He has given you for this boy is remarkable.
