Friday, April 12, 2013

Where are we in our adoption process?

Well tomorrow marks 3 months Aloizs Mitchell has been gone back to Latvia.  I haven't blogged in a month, it gets harder as time goes by.  I still here from him all day everyday, some days he is very talkative and some days he only writes: Mom I love you, I love you for life es apsolu (which is I promise)  one day last week he sent me 83 messages between the time of 8:30 - 5:00.  I am very  thankful that I hear from him everyday all day.  We also talk on the phone about every 3 days.  His English is getting very good, I am glad we are able to talk on the phone, it helps him continue to talk in English and it helps to hear voices.  Saying bye on the phone is still very difficult for me.  We talk about 20 minutes each time and that is the fastest 20 minutes of the day.  Please continue to pray  for him that God will continue to protect and take care of him as he waits.  I can't imagine the waiting and patience this child has had to learn over the years, it makes me feel bad for even saying these last 3 months have seemed so long, when he has been waiting for 6 years.  I have been asked about where we are in the adoption process so I am going to list the process and you can see what we have finished and what we have left.  Thank you all so much for your support, prayers, and being on this journey with our family.  
Here is our Adoption list we have been checking off:
1. Apply to our adoption agency with an application (Jan. 19)
2. Was approved as an adoptive family (Jan. 24)
3.  Applied to NC Homestudy our Social worker (Jan. 28)
4.  Mailed An Open Door Adoption agency our contract (Jan. 29)
5.   Began our homestudy (Feb. 4)
6.  Worked on Homestudy Documents and meet with the Social   work 4 times (all in the month of Feb.) very busy month:)
7.  Completed Homestudy (March 4) (for those that don't know a homestudy is a very detailed 15 page paper of everything about your family that is put together by a social worker.  It has to have interviews with you and your children, marriage cert., birth cert., passports, financial reports, police reports, child abuse clearances, and the list goes on...)
8.  Apply to USCIS with form 800a. (March 6)
9.  Complete Dossier Documents (March 6)
10. Mail Dossier Documents to Latvia  and translated(March 8)
11.  Get appointment letter from USCIS to have fingerprints done in Charlotte. (April 11)
12. Get approval letter to adopt internationally from USCIS 
13.  Family is approved by Latvia and receive a referral of their child (which is his file, that will be sent to us to review)
14.  Family receives an invitation to travel to Latvia!!
15.   Family makes 1st trip for Orphan court, this is were we will be interviewed by orphan court, then granted temporary custody to spend 3 weeks in Riga, Latvia with Aloizs; Our family and Aloizs will be visited by social worker who writes a report for the court recommending the adoption; then we go back to court again where the court approves the formal match of the family with Aloizs; and sends the case forward to a court of Law for adoption proceedings.  
We then can travel back to the US with Aloizs, and wait for our next court date.
16.  2nd trip to Latvia Only one parent and Aloizs go on this trip.  This is an another interview in court for the approval of the adoption.  trip will be about 4 days.  We return home for approx. 30 days 
17.  3rd trip to Latvia to finalize adoption.  Aloizs has final medical exam, and obtains immigrant visa and new passport.  this trip we will be in Latvia for about 7 days.

Thank you for your prayers!!

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